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A Spotlight on Tutoring

By Katy Skillen, third-year Master of Nutrition and Dietetics student Throughout the past year, I have worked as a part-time GCSE and A-Level tutor through an online tutoring site. While the thought of another ‘from your bedroom’ activity might seem like a curse, I have actually found it perfect for me! I believe that online …

Graduate Schemes With a Difference

By Lucie Whitfield – Senior Careers Adviser When looking for roles, students are often drawn to the graduate scheme route or summer internships. Usually, these offer a chance at ‘taster’ placements in different parts of the organisation alongside some support with a group of colleagues who are entering the workplace at the same time. Are …

Tracking Down the Right Placement

By Joseph George Walters, PhD Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy In my previous blog, I identified my skill gaps and began to search for work placements to run alongside my PhD study. In this blog I describe my experience of finding, applying, and interviewing for my perfect placement. Finding Before I started looking for a …

8 Tips for Speculative Work Experience Applications

By Rosie Pinder, BA English second year Finding work experience or an internship is a task on most students’ minds. This is especially true at the moment when opportunities are restricted by the need for the majority of work to be online. However, in many fields, it is possible to secure a placement even when …

Going on Placement? Time to Get Excited!

By Katy Skillen, third year nutrition and dietetics student A few weeks ago, I found out that my placement for next year has been confirmed! Despite all the difficulties brought about by Covid-19, with lots changes and uncertainty, I can now say that in July this year I will be heading off to complete NHS …

Work Experience, Placements and Internships in a Pandemic

By Chris Colegate, Careers and Employability Placement Consultant In ‘normal’ circumstances it is competitive trying to find work experience. For many students in the current climate, it is fair to say this has become even more challenging.  But – and it’s a big but – it is not all doom and gloom in terms of …

What Is It Like to Conduct a Remote Internship During the Pandemic?

By Margaux Seeuws, International Commercial Law Last May I received exciting news from the School of Law, that I was the successful candidate for an internship at the World Bank Group in Washington DC. Little did I know that the experience would not play out exactly as planned. With the uncertainty created by the pandemic, …

2021: New Year.. Old You?

By Katy Skillen, third year MNutr student Well, we’re a few weeks into 2021 by now. Maybe you’ve become a brand-new version of yourself, or perhaps you gave up on your New Year’s resolutions within a week. The New Year is a great time for new beginnings, in your personal as well as professional life. …

Year Abroad: Choosing Where to Go and What to Do

By Rowena Harris, Student Blogger For modern languages students like myself, a year abroad in your third year of study is compulsory. But did you know that the majority of Nottingham students have the opportunity to study abroad as well? You can find out more about the opportunities in your school, on the Study Abroad …

Is Covid-19 Changing Your Career Plans?

By Katy Skillen, third year MNutr Master of Nutrition and Dietetics student Well, if there is one thing we have learnt in the past year, it is that change is inevitable. Maybe you had a clear plan regarding how your career is going to evolve and now that’s all been changed due to Covid-19. In …