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How To Approach Your Search for Work Experience

By Anna Scrivener, Careers Adviser It’s that time of year when lots of students are looking to apply for roles that help them build experience. It might be in the form of official internships, volunteering, placement years, summer schemes etc.   My advice is always the same, don’t shut down opportunities. The message we hear …

The Role Sport Played in Developing My Career Skills

By Josh Borlant, Economics student During school years, I had always been involved in sport, playing football, rugby and golf for respective first teams, as well as externally for local clubs and at county level. Having come to university, I chose to carry on playing football and I haven’t looked back. I’ve had an incredible …

Knowing and Using Your Strengths: The Secret to Success and Happiness!

By Cyrielle Mevel, Employability Education Projects Officer People often talk about skills and strengths as if they were interchangeable when, in reality, they are not to be confused. Yes, we do them both well, but they don’t always support our wellbeing in the same way. So, what are strengths exactly and how can they support …

Stand Out From the Crowd With International Experiences (Part 2)

Do you aspire to be a global graduate? Want to enhance your employability while travelling the world? Dreaming of an international career?  If yes, then studying or working abroad during your degree can help you on your way. Two students talk about their time abroad and what they’ve learned. You can also read about Charlie …

Stand Out From the Crowd With International Experiences (Part 1)

Do you aspire to be a global graduate? Want to enhance your employability while travelling the world? Dreaming of an international career?  If yes, then studying or working abroad during your degree can help you on your way. Two students talk about their time abroad and what they’ve learned. You can also read about Lauren …

My Experience as an Online Tutor for Action Tutoring

By Anna McConachie, English student blogger As someone interested in the charity sector, but finding it increasingly difficult to secure volunteer roles owing to time constraints and limitations of the pandemic, I discovered volunteering as an online tutor was a perfect fit for me. If you want to work in charity, ideally you need to …

Don’t Underestimate the Skills You Have Gained in the Pandemic!

By Anna Scrivener, Employability Education Projects Officer I’m noticing a tendency for students to feel they have to apologise for the things they haven’t been able to do during the pandemic i.e. in person work experiences that were cancelled, sports teams that couldn’t play, or societies that didn’t meet. I want to challenge that mindset. …

Key Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing a Career

By Leonie Farrar, religion, philosophy and ethics student blogger Do you know what you want to do after university? At the start of my degree, I had no idea what future career I wanted. However, I took some time to think about the following key questions which helped me to narrow down my career options. …

Career Exploration: What Is It and Why Should I Start Now?

By Anna Scrivener, Employability Education Projects Officer  We see students to help with a range of career questions, but often the real problem is that they need to spend time on their career exploration. Before you can find suitable opportunities, or put together a great application, you have to know the answer to a few questions: …

Careers in Publishing: What To Expect in 2021 and Beyond

By Caroline Nolan, Employability Education Projects Officer The recent encouraging news of record annual sales from Bloomsbury is an indication of how the publishing sector is responding during the pandemic. As Stephen Lotinga, CEO of the Publisher Association commented, ‘many people rediscovered their love of reading last year during lockdown.’ However, publishing is still facing …