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Building my careers confidence through a one-to-one appointment

Rania Monasch, BA Geography student – © Bruce Mars via Unsplash Job applications can be challenging but you don’t have to face it alone. Seeking support from a careers adviser might be just what you need to build your career confidence, read below to discover what a one-to-one appointment entails.  The Careers and Employability Service …

What Is the Soundtrack to Your Career?

By Amy Liscoe, psychology student If you’re anything like me there probably isn’t a day that goes by that you don’t listen to music. It wakes me up each morning, plays in my headphones throughout the day, and often creeps in again when I’m off to bed. Music is such a huge part of my …

How To Find Out if an Employer Is Genuinely Inclusive

By Amrina Kaur, Employability Officer Creating a diverse and inclusive work environment is important for both personal and professional growth. However, finding an employer that genuinely embraces equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) can be challenging. Explore practical steps to help you assess whether a potential employer is truly EDI positive, to help you find a …

How to Reflect and Plan Your Next Steps

By Caroline Nolan, Careers Adviser There is no better time to take a look back over your first year, reflect on what you have done, and start planning your next steps. What career skills and experience have you developed and how can you expand them? Have you joined a society, attended careers events, become a …

Connecting Students with Recruiters

By Stuart Marriott, Associate Director, on behalf of the Careers and Employability Service We know from several sources that Nottingham students go on to do amazing things. Whether it’s a volunteering opportunity, a summer internship or a graduate scheme, Nottingham students make a significant contribution and impact to many different types of organisation.  Recently, the University of …

LGBTQIA+ Identity in the Workplace

By Sam Hawkins, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Manager at Anglia Ruskin University Can you describe your career journey so far? I currently work at Anglia Ruskin University as the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Manager, where our team makes sure all employees feel safe and supported and that opportunity and recognition are available to …

Why Do I Keep Hearing About Self-reflection?

By Cyrielle Mevel, Employability Education Projects Officer Whether it’s part of your degree or an extra-curricular activity you are doing, you will have probably heard about the importance of self-reflection at some point. Employers are also constantly citing self-reflection and self-awareness as being two of the top skills that are the most sought after. But …

How To Deal With Imposter Phenomenon

By Ash Watts, Professional Services Projects Officer What are you doing here? You don’t deserve to be here. You don’t belong here. Are these common thoughts, familiar voices or words in your head? Well, you’re not the only one, in fact it is suggested that 70% of people have had these thoughts and feelings. It …

Conversations About Careers: My Experience and Advice

By Rosie Pinder, BA English second year For many students and recent graduates, there is a looming pressure to figure out a career path and have a job lined up immediately after university. I have lost count of the number of times over the summer that I have been asked about my plans post-graduation. And …