Profile photo of psychology student, Amy

July 20, 2023, by Leah Sharpe

What Is the Soundtrack to Your Career?

By Amy Liscoe, psychology student

If you’re anything like me there probably isn’t a day that goes by that you don’t listen to music. It wakes me up each morning, plays in my headphones throughout the day, and often creeps in again when I’m off to bed. Music is such a huge part of my daily life, so I knew that using it for productivity, to boost my mood or as a welcome break from work would be a simple, yet effective integration.

I’ll be sharing the playlists and podcasts that are the soundtrack to my day and give you some ideas for how you can start to utilise music more.

Music for productivity

Whether you have many errands to run, a space in need of a clean, or you’re sat doing some work on your laptop, you can use different types of music to help your productivity. I have found orchestral or cinematic music can help me complete tasks more efficiently. To encourage a faster pace of work I use the ‘Interstellar soundtrack’ from the movie ‘Interstellar’ (specifically the song ‘Tick-Tock’ if you really need to get that essay done or an application sent off!). If you haven’t seen this film, then my first piece of advice to you is to go and watch it right away! My second piece of advice is to find a movie soundtrack or piece of music (whether it’s this one or perhaps ‘Harry Potter’ or ‘Inception’) which creates a sense of adrenaline and focus. I find this music helps shut out external noises and allows for focus without distraction. 

Music for your mood

Another use for music is to boost your mood. This can be helpful both generally throughout your day, perhaps whilst on your way to work or when job searching becomes overwhelming. Choosing your most idolised artists can be particularly inspiring. When I am in need of a mood boost I choose one of my favourite artists, Florence + The Machine. I find the carefree, loose, and almost spiritual feeling of her music makes me take a more rational perspective and allows me to feel empowered. I also enjoy listening to folk music which gives me a level-headed feeling, making me more prepared for a busy work shift ahead or any tasks in front of me. 

Music for a break

Finally, I feel it is important to use either music or podcasts during breaks from work or job searching. There are many different podcasts out there to immerse yourself in. You could really escape to the fantastical world of dungeons and dragons (try ‘Critical Role’), listen to your favourite YouTube podcast series, or find something that makes you laugh (for me that’s ‘NearlyWeds’). Whichever you decide, podcasts can create differentiation between your work life and chill time and help you develop a routine. 

If you’re looking for a way to improve your wellbeing, whether that’s during the working day or whilst searching for jobs, then using something that you already enjoy is an unmissable and effortless option.

Boost your productivity, feel more relaxed, and create a daily routine that works for you by creating your own playlist that’s the soundtrack to your career!

Visit the Careers website for more resources to help you look after your wellbeing throughout your career journey.

Posted in Career wellbeingStudent Bloggers