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What job will make me happy?

By Jennifer Balloch, Employability Officer Let’s imagine you start full-time employment when you graduate. If we stop to think about this level of commitment, then asking if you will be happy in your job seems quite reasonable. Happiness in work is a scale and will mean different things for different people. For some people being …

A Camp America application: rehearsal for the real thing

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger Camp America is famous among students for offering ‘the summer of a lifetime’. Having completed it last year, I definitely agree. In addition to providing one-of-a-kind work experience, the application process sharpened my CV writing skills. Here are my five tips on how to write a Camp …

My summer school experience

By Sophia Tang, third year International Media and Communication Studies student Looking for a productive summer opportunity but not ready to work? Why not try attending a summer school where you can learn and explore a new country in the meantime! The University of Nottingham offers a summer school programme which allows you to develop …

Want an exciting legal career? Join a start-up

By Tom Bangay, University of Nottingham alumnus and director of content at Juro As one of the best law schools in the world, Nottingham graduates naturally progress to top law firms. But private practice and corporate law aren’t the only options for Nottingham’s lawyers-in-waiting. Venture capital-backed start-ups have started to take over legal, attracting billions …

A world of careers outside your textbook…

By Katy Skillen, second year MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics student So, exam time of year is winding down, and it’s safe to say we are all definitely ready for a well-deserved break. For the past few weeks, our whole lives have consisted of just essays and revision and endless cups of coffee, but maybe amongst all …

Want to get a foot in the door? Send in a shoe.

By Steve McComish, MD at Nottingham PR agency Motive It’s boom time for Britain’s creative industries with the sector worth more than £100bn and growing at twice the rate of the economy as a whole according to the Government’s own website.  Many graduates of all disciplines, are being attracted to the sector by the promise of rewarding careers and job satisfaction. And there …

On to the second; a post-hoc analysis of my PhD year 1 and where I think I’m going

By Andrew Wilhelmsen, PhD student It feels an awful lot like I started my PhD no more than a few weeks ago, yet here I am writing reflections on what has actually been an entire year. I’m not sure where those mysterious 365 days went in all honesty. I’m fairly confident I’ve spent longer times waiting to be served …

Four ways studying abroad can help your career

By Joss Hillary, Information Officer With workplaces becoming more and more globalised; employers are looking for those with international experience. Studying abroad is a great opportunity to develop career-relevant skills you can showcase during job applications. Maximise your opportunities Due to my love of travel I always knew I wanted to study abroad and applied …

How to turn your interest in sport into valuable career skills

By Joss Hillary, Information Officer You don’t have to be an elite athlete to boast about the benefits of your sporting experience to an employer. Students are gaining valuable experience through schemes such as the Leadership Academy, set up with UoN sport. Read about their experiences and the important skills they developed. Develop a range …

Talking to the right people is a career ‘must do’

By Joel Kaziro, medicine graduate  Having been a teacher for the last five years, I walked into Medical School as a mature student. I figured that at the end of my four-year stint, I’d be a doctor. What I failed to realise was ‘being a doctor’ was not enough; they come in many different shapes and sizes and …