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Your assessment centre crib sheet

Now you’ve passed the initial application stages, assessment centres can be a nerve-wrecking experience if you’re not sure what to expect. Our short guide to different exercise types will help demystify your assessment day, or days.  Ice breaker task What is it? Usually at the start of the day, there’ll be a short exercise to introduce …

A-Z of Online Job Applications: Part 2

Looking to stand out in your online applications? Read our quick tips before settling down at the keyboard to discover the dos, don’ts and definitely don’ts of online applications.  Myths such as ‘you will be selected or rejected by a computer’ surround online applications – don’t believe them. Computers can only be used for screening candidates based on factors such …

A-Z of Online Job Applications: Part 1

Looking to stand out in your online applications? Read our quick tips before settling down at the keyboard to discover the dos, don’ts and definitely don’ts of online applications.  Allow enough time for each form. Some can take hours and rushing through them can lead to mistakes, such as poor spelling and grammar. Break your examples down to get …

Networking myths busted

Be it a jobs fair, employer presentation or alumni evening – face-to-face networking can come in many forms. However, the myths surrounding networking which may make you think it’s not for you, are as varied as the ways to network. We address some of the most common myths out there.  “It’s only for networking naturals” …

Could you be a copywriter?

By Derryck Strachan, Managing Director, Big Star Copywriting You know you’re good with words, and your lecturers are always complimenting you on how well written your essays are. You might be studying English, creative writing or another related subject, or you could be studying a scientific or technical subject and feel you could transfer your …

Home, sweet home: returning to China

By Liting Zhang, Global Employment Manager (China) Exams are finally over, and you may be looking forward to enjoying some home comforts when you head back to China. But after you’ve rested, you’ll want to start looking at what opportunities are out there for you. What do you need to know about the labour market …

Home, sweet home: returning to Malaysia

By Kohila Palanisamy, Global Employment Consultant (South East Asia) Nasi lamak, roti canai, thosai, kuey twow goring and a good glass of The Tarik might be some of the things that you’re looking forward to now your exams are over and you’re heading back home. But what do you need to know about Malaysia’s labour market to …

Phillipa’s student helper experience

By Phillipa Ampeire, MPH Public Health  If you’ve seen any advertisements for student helpers on the Unitemps website, you might be wondering what this work entails. Phillipa shares her experiences of this varied role and tells us how it has helped her career prospects. Why did you want to be a student helper? I was first interested in …

10 Things You Should Absolutely Do in an Interview

Have you got an interview coming up, or are planning to apply for a job soon? Get prepared for this crucial part of the application process with our short guide to help you ace the interview. 1. Conduct your research Take some time to find out about the company you’re applying to and news and …

Using your revision to generate career ideas

How do you revise? Thinking about how you work can be a useful way to generate ideas about the kind of environment you’d like to go into after leaving Nottingham. We explore careers that might suit the common types of reviser that emerge in the lead up to exams. The negotiator Without your input, group …