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Connecting Students with Recruiters

By Stuart Marriott, Associate Director, on behalf of the Careers and Employability Service We know from several sources that Nottingham students go on to do amazing things. Whether it’s a volunteering opportunity, a summer internship or a graduate scheme, Nottingham students make a significant contribution and impact to many different types of organisation.  Recently, the University of …

The Cyber Security Industry Needs Talent From All Backgrounds With a Range of Skillsets

By Rhianne Short, UoN graduate Information Security Consultant at Waterstons Journey into cyber security In 2018 I graduated from the University of Nottingham with BA Criminology and Sociology before staying on to complete a master’s in International Security and Terrorism. During this time, I changed my mind frequently about the kind of career I wanted, but elements …

My Experience Taking Part In Extracurricular Activities

Jason Richards, Aerospace Engineering student blogger The world of engineering is a competitive field. With the high number of people going to university to get degrees, it is a challenge to stand out from a crowd with just your university experience. A common way to get around this is through extracurricular activities. Why do an extracurricular …

Sustainability Challenge: A Personal Reflection

By Megan Sharma-Bradley, second year Film and Television Studies student What new knowledge have you acquired about sustainability? I have learned about the extent that the university considers sustainability, but also has a long way to go. Key milestones such as achieving the 2010-2020 Carbon Reduction targets and 2021’s Strategic Delivery Plan are a great …

I Don’t Want To Stay in Academia…What Now?

By Hiba Azim, PhD researcher An increasing number of postgraduate students are choosing to take their skills elsewhere and not pursue academia after they graduate. However, transitioning out of academia can be a daunting task, and it may be challenging to determine how to make your CV appealing to other job types. The truth is …

The Benefits of Extracurricular Activities and Where They May Take You

By Jason Richards, Aerospace Engineering student blogger Your time at university is limited and it is very important to try and get the most out of your degree. If you were to ask any lecturer or careers adviser on this matter you will probably get encouraged to take up a part-time job or do an extracurricular …

How to Navigate Career Indecision: 6 Steps to Success

By Amaia Robertson Nogues, BA American Studies and English student We’ve all fallen down the job search rabbit hole at one point or another. When you have the whole world at your fingertips, job searching can be overwhelming to say the least. So, here’s some tips and tricks on how to navigate the career wormhole …

Why You Should Attend Talks: Spotlight on Charities and NGOs

By Alice Bennett, Politics and International Relations student blogger At the beginning of the year, my course convenor told us that our master’s year would be one of the most important years of our lives and that it is essential that we make the most of the opportunities at university that won’t be available once …

Challenging Traditional Career Paths

By Alina Vasile, Head of Product and Design at Gemba, UK BA International Relations, graduated in 2015  The world is changing at a scale never seen before and our skills have to change with it. What were previously considered the jobs of the future, could be gone by tomorrow or replaced by AI. As you …

Starting Out in Your Career

By Daniel Kibble, Politics graduate now working in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office It was around this time in my final year of university that I was asking the question many of you are probably doing right now – how do I get started in the career I want? My interests were in working …