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Nottingham Entrepreneur Shares Top Tips on Starting Your Own Business

By Rebecca Heasman, Employability Officer, Sutton Bonington Campus Do you have a brilliant business idea? Do you want to be your own boss? Does the thought of launching your own business appeal to you more than other graduate career paths? If so, you are not alone. Many University of Nottingham alumni have gone on to make …

The Future of Work: Opportunities in 3D Printing

By Chris Jones, Senior Careers Adviser for Science and Engineering 3D printing – or additive manufacturing to give it its proper name – has been around for a long time. In fact, the first patent for early 3D printing technology was filed in the 1980s. However, in recent years, the technology has developed rapidly and …

Your Most Frequently Asked Careers Questions, Answered

By Jen Balloch, Employability Education Projects Officer: Faculty of Science There are a number of different reasons you may choose to visit the Careers and Employability Service. You might have found an opportunity you want to apply for and need some help or advice on the recruitment process. Equally, you might be at the beginning of planning …

Five Simple Strategies to Invigorate Your Job Search

By Sarah Allen, Senior Careers Adviser Perhaps you have made lots of applications without success – so far – or it could be that you have been too busy thinking about revision, coursework or career plans to focus on applications. Whatever the reason, you are not alone if you are yet to secure a job to …

The Future of Work: Artificial Intelligence

Jen Balloch, Employability Education Projects Officer: Faculty of Science Known as the ‘father of AI‘, computer scientist, John McCarthy first coined the term Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 1956. It started as a philosophical debate about whether machines could ever imitate human thought. Nowadays AI can be seen in many aspects of our everyday lives, from using …

Does Your Business Plan Pass These Five Checks?

By Stuart McClure, co-founder of LovetheSales.com – connect with him on LinkedIn Having an idea for a new business can be exciting. There might be an expectation that this idea is a sure-fire multi-million-pound business waiting to happen, but if you don’t execute the idea well, you’re not going to get far.   Each year 650,000 businesses are …

Where in the World Will Your Degree Take You? Maybe South Korea?

By Ben Wolff, BSc Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, 2016 After finishing my A Levels, I went straight onto a degree in psychology and cognitive neuroscience at the university. And now I’m teaching English at an elementary school in rural South Korea! Why I decided to work abroad The main reason I decided to work abroad …

The Final Frontier: Working in Space

By Chris Jones, Senior Careers Adviser – Faculties of Science and Engineering At a distance of 100km away (straight up), space is nearer to Nottingham than London is. However, despite its proximity and the advancements in space technology, it is still a hugely challenging business to get rockets into space, and only 600 people on …

What Do You Want to Do When You Graduate?

By Jennifer Balloch, Employability Education Projects Officer: Faculty of Science How did I get from wanting to be a marine biologist to becoming an Employability Education Projects Officer? The link isn’t obvious, and it’s actually why I’m writing this blog. Not so you can read about my career journey, but so you can think of the …

Why Your Personality Is the Key to Finding Your Ideal Profession

By Rebecca Heasman, Employability Officer, Sutton Bonington Campus Many people say that pursuing your passion is the key to finding career fulfilment and success. But have you ever stopped to think that understanding your personality preferences and characteristics could be just as important? Identifying your natural tendencies and patterns of thinking, feeling and acting is a …