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Q and A for Psychometric Tests

By Sarah Durke, Employability and Education Projects Officer If you’re looking for a graduate role this summer or an internship, it’s more than possible that you will come across psychometric tests as part of the recruitment and selection process. Here’s some helpful answers to questions we get asked about these tests. What are psychometric tests? …

Five reasons to attend a mock assessment centre workshop

By Bety Mehide, student blogger Some employers ask their applicants to attend an assessment centre to evaluate their skills as part of the recruitment and selection process. I participated in a mock one and found it very helpful so I figured I would share my thoughts on why you should attend one too. 1. Knowledge …

It’s a Two-Way Street: Finding the Right eMentor for You

There are countless reasons to join the career-focused eMentoring scheme, and you’re actively encouraged to do so as a student. It’s your chance to be personable and familiar with an alumni who can offer you their experience of your chosen industry as well as giving you an opportunity to potentially widen your professional network.  What …

What will be your story? Make the most of university

Ask any graduate you come across, time flies by when you’re at university. Before you know it you’ll be wearing a gown and shaking hands with the Vice-Chancellor. That’s far away now, and it’s the here and now that matters, so why not go and explore all the ways to make the most of your …

Top tips from our alumni 2

Since the beginning of this month we have been asking alumni for the advice they would give to recent graduates and they’ve delivered a fantastic range of inspiration so far. We’ll be posting more pearls of wisdom on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so keep a look out for them. Here’s just a sample of their advice:      …

First Week to Your First Job: We’ll Support You Every Step of the Way

Congratulations on securing your place at The University of Nottingham, we hope you’re looking forward to starting your degree as much as we’re looking forward to meeting you! As your Careers and Employability Service we can help you from your first to your final week and beyond: here are some ways that we can do …

Top tips from our alumni

Over the last two weeks we’ve asked our alumni what careers advice they wish they would have known as a recent graduate. We’ve received a great range of tips and here is just a selection of the advice so far. We’ll be posting more pearls of wisdom on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so keep a …

Lost in translation: what not to say in a UK covering letter

Thinking of looking for a job in the UK now you’ve graduated? Not only will you have to take into account visas and how many hours you can work (contact the International Office for more advice about this), you’ll also need to be aware of UK conventions when applying for jobs.  Things that may impress …

Follow your head or your heart – why not both?

Have you seen the booklets and posters around campus advertising Study What You Love? Or have you noticed the hashtag #studywhatyoulove on Twitter? Encouraging people to pursue their academic passion is at the heart of this campaign, so if you’re thinking of postgraduate study, why not study what you love? “Studying for a PhD is …

Research: Essential for essays, essential for job applications

By Pablo Costa, Careers Adviser (Faculty of Engineering) Employers expect applicants to understand issues that affect not only their organisation but their industry as a whole, this is called commercial awareness. It is important to demonstrate this as it shows that you are serious about the job, know the issues surrounding it and is able …