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A big ‘hello’ from Careers

By Jackie Thompson, Information and Communications Manager Whether you’re just starting at Nottingham or a returning student, the University’s Careers team is here for you. Although we’re not physically on campus, we are online to help you navigate these extraordinary times. A snapshot of the autumn term As well as online careers appointments and  job-hunting …

My Career Mentoring experience

By Kathryn Moore, mentee Career Mentoring offers you the opportunity to be supported with your career goals by a member of our alumni community. Kathryn tells us all about her Career Mentoring experience. “My goal seems more achievable.” My mentor During my second year at university I felt that it was important to begin looking towards life afterwards. …

Connect to a world of expertise with Career Mentoring

Career Mentoring offers you the opportunity to be supported with your career goals by a member of our alumni community. Hear from past mentees about their Career Mentoring experience. “I’m so pleased I took part.” Anisha Johal, MA English Literature  My mentor, Keith, had completed a PhD at Nottingham in film and had a film consultation …

Teach First: The Taster Experience

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics, second year student blogger Two full days on Zoom? Yes, it is as exhausting as it sounds. But that was exactly what I signed up for when I enrolled in Teach First’s Taster Programme. Teach First is a UK charity that aims to tackle education inequality in the …

Starting a new job virtually

By Ash Watts, Professional Services Projects Officer Firstly, I want to say to the graduating class of 2020: while I do not know the levels of uncertainty upon taking your first steps into your career during a global pandemic, I do understand the simply bizarre world of starting a new job virtually. When accepting a …

Working in Sales: What I Learned

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger To support my masters degree, I got a part-time job in sales. Sales was a career area I had always been interested in, and I have learned a lot from the experience. Here are the top five things I learned: Representing the brand You are responsible for …

My tips on video interviews from home

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics, second year student blogger Well, I never thought that I would be having a job interview in my bedroom. But I guess we are living in very unprecedented times. Normally, a job interview would involve me getting dressed up and sitting in an office across a desk from …

How Do You Know a PhD Is Right for You?

By Jo Workman, Employability Education Projects Officer A PhD is a huge commitment, taking three or more years to complete, and resulting in the creation of new knowledge. But how do you know whether it will be the right move for you? We asked two psychology students to tell us how they progressed into their …

The NHS: my experience

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Dietetics and Nutrition, second year student blogger As lockdown is getting lifted, there is one aspect which I am actually going to miss. The weekly excitement of standing at our doorsteps on a Thursday night, waving at our neighbours and taking part in the ‘Clap for Carers’. It’s a time when …

How Can I Develop My Skills During COVID-19? Magpie Has the Answer

By Hayley Williams, Students’ Union Employability Development Manager We know that for many of you this will have been a frustrating time possibly missing out on opportunities to undertake placements, paid work or volunteering opportunities. For others, it might be the last summer before starting a new job and you might have been hoping to …