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Navigating Uncertainty When Making Career Decisions

The Career Wellbeing blog series. We know that thinking about your career, applying for jobs, and moving into the workplace can be exciting, but we also know that sometimes it can present challenges and might be a source of stress or anxiety. That’s why, in this blog series, we will explore some of the things …

Emotional Intelligence

By, Cyrielle Mevel – Employability Education Projects Officer I am sure you will have already come across the term “emotional intelligence” or EI as it is sometimes referred to. The last few decades have seen an increased interest in emotional intelligence, as it is one of the most sought-after skills as defined by the World Economic …

Your Career Awaits! How To Manage Change

By Susie Ward, Counsellor – University of Nottingham Counselling Service Leaving university and starting working life can come as a bit of a shock. You are not alone in feeling some uncertainty and anxiety about your future. Applaud yourself for navigating your way through a pandemic and graduating in such tough times. Acknowledge these huge …

How To Manage Mental Health Challenges in the Workplace

By Christian Jameson-Warren, Employability Education Projects Officer If you’ve experienced a long-term mental health challenge, you may worry about talking to a prospective employer about it. Some people worry about saying the wrong thing or if they’ll be viewed less favourably than other candidates. In reality, sharing any information is entirely up to you. I’d …

How To Manage Interview Stress

The Career Wellbeing blog series. We know that thinking about your career, applying for jobs, and moving into the workplace can be exciting, but we also know that sometimes it can present challenges and might be a source of stress or anxiety. That’s why, in this blog series, we will explore some of the things that …

Tips for Working From Home

By Jennifer Balloch, Employability Officer Working from home has become the norm for the majority of office workers over the past year, and for many companies a blended or flexible approach to home working is likely to continue in the future. There are many things to think about when either transitioning to working from home …

Your Rights and Responsibilities at Work

By, Christian Jameson-Warren – Employability Education Projects Officer. Having a positive experience at work as a student or graduate can set the tone for the rest of your working career and can help keep you mentally and physically healthy. This blog post can help you with finding and accessing any support you may need, to …

How To Look After Your Wellbeing When Starting a New Job

By Kirstin Barnard, Senior Careers Adviser Research Staff/ Postgraduate Research Students Starting a new job can feel quite daunting, so looking after your wellbeing is paramount. When we start a new job or role we can tend to throw everything at it and forget about looking after ourselves. However, I’ve outlined ways that you can …

How To Deal With Perfectionism When Exploring Careers and Making Applications

The Career Wellbeing blog series. We know that thinking about your career, applying for jobs, and moving into the workplace can be exciting, but we also know that sometimes it can present challenges and might be a source of stress or anxiety. That’s why, in this blog series, we will explore some of the things …

How To Deal With Procrastination

The Career Wellbeing blog series. We know that thinking about your career, applying for jobs, and moving into the workplace can be exciting, but we also know that sometimes it can present challenges and might be a source of stress or anxiety. That’s why, in this blog series, we will explore some of the things that …