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How Not to Be the Perfect Intern

By Anna White, Placement Projects Officer A couple of years after I graduated, I was looking to change direction so took a short-term internship with an IT start-up. I was 23, newly back from having a baby and trying to escape a job I hated. I felt the stakes were sky high, so I put …

My Advice for Coping with Rejection From Grad Schemes

By Anna McConachie, English Student Blogger Facing rejection is demoralising, demotivating and down-right difficult. Unfortunately, as graduates we are likely to face a lot of it. Here is how I have been dealing with rejection from grad schemes recently.  Process your emotions Being rejected hurts. After spending hours on an application, agonising over assessment questions, …

Maintaining Your Wellbeing in the Digital Workplace

By Hannah Woolley, Careers and Employability Consultant Workplaces are increasingly digital. Whether you’re doing an internship or placement or have recently moved into a graduate job, digital workplace practices are likely to be a big part of your experience. With this in mind, it makes sense to give some thought to what this means for …

How I Boosted My Productivity Using The Pomodoro Technique

By Anna McConachie, English student blogger Faced with four large essays and a dissertation to write over the Christmas break, I was feeling overwhelmed. When a friend suggested I try the pomodoro technique, at first I was sceptical. But after too many days spent at my laptop, I decided to try it, and was happily …

Surviving Psychometric Tests

By Christian Jameson-Warren, Employability Education Projects Officer When I hear the word ‘test’, I immediately think ‘pass’ and ‘fail’. Actually, mostly ‘fail’. With some pressure to not even pass, to just ‘not fail’. To avoid failure. To avoid being not good enough. Might sound a little dramatic, but from my conversations with students I don’t …

Career Planning: Preparing Yourself for the Highs, Lows, and Everything In Between

By Susie Ward, Counsellor from the University Counselling Service Navigating your emotions whilst exploring your career options and making applications can be tough. It’s normal to feel positive emotions, such as excitement and hope about future opportunities but often it’s easy to overlook the fact that sometimes negative feelings will surface too. Fear, anxiety, hopelessness, …

How To Deal With Imposter Phenomenon

By Ash Watts, Professional Services Projects Officer What are you doing here? You don’t deserve to be here. You don’t belong here. Are these common thoughts, familiar voices or words in your head? Well, you’re not the only one, in fact it is suggested that 70% of people have had these thoughts and feelings. It …

How to Prioritise Your Future Wellbeing When Exploring Career Options

By Hannah Woolley, Careers and Employability Consultant At some point you’re likely to start thinking about what you’ll do next and begin to explore graduate jobs. Different people approach this at different points, and that’s fine, but whenever you decide the time is right, it’s worth trying to factor in your future wellbeing. After all, …

How To Feel More Confident Meeting New People at Work

The Career Wellbeing blog series. We know that thinking about your career, applying for jobs, and moving into the workplace can be exciting, but we also know that sometimes it can present challenges and might be a source of stress or anxiety. That’s why, in this blog series, we will explore some of the things …

Navigating Uncertainty When Making Career Decisions

The Career Wellbeing blog series. We know that thinking about your career, applying for jobs, and moving into the workplace can be exciting, but we also know that sometimes it can present challenges and might be a source of stress or anxiety. That’s why, in this blog series, we will explore some of the things …