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Three Things Finalists Need to Know About the Graduate Jobs Fair

If you’re a finalist or postgraduate, we know this is a busy time for you. Adding extra dates to your diary might be the last thing on your mind. So let’s get to the point. Here are three reasons why you should stick around until the 10 June and put the Graduate Jobs Fair in …

Three Opportunities for Every First Year at the Graduate Jobs Fair

So, you’re almost at the end of your first year. You’ve made new friends, joined societies and really got stuck into your course. It’s been a whirlwind from start to finish. Graduating and starting a career probably seem a million miles away to you right now – but are they really? Time flies when you’re having fun …

Discover the Graduate Jobs Fair: It’s Not Just for Finalists

By Jackie Thompson, E-Information Manager Missed it in your first year? Think it’s something to consider next year? Think again. The Graduate Jobs Fair is not just for finalists. If you’re graduating next year, it’s an opportunity to explore your options without any of the pressure. DISCOVER what the Graduate Jobs Fair has to offer you: D   Dip your toe into …

Seven Reasons to Apply for the Nottingham Internship Scheme – Today!

by James Charton-Little The spring term had come to a close and with summer on the horizon,  I still didn’t have a definite plan. When applications opened for the Nottingham Internship Scheme, one particular opportunity caught my attention. I applied, I got the internship and 12 months later I am working for the company full-time as a Development Executive.  Are …

10 things employers will love about your part-time work

By Laura Estrop, Social Media Officer With exams finished, you’ll be ready to take a well-earned break. Once you’ve had to chance to relax and catch up with family and friends from home, how are you going to spend your summer? Have you thought about doing some part-time work? Not only will you earn some …

Looking for a Summer Internship? Don’t Panic, There’s Still Time!

By Sarah Allen, Employability Education Projects Officer Have all of your friends secured summer internships but you’re still looking for a way to spend the summer? Don’t panic, there is still time! Even though you may not have secured an internship yet there are still plenty of ways to use the holidays to enhance your …

The more experience, the better

By Charlotte Lambert, student blogger At the start of the second year of my degree I sent email upon email to various publishing houses. As I am currently considering either the marketing industry or the publishing industry, I decided to aim for a little taster of both to determine which suited my interests best. Stepping …

Look no further than Nottingham, stay local!

By Sharon Bell, (previous) Associate Director  Surely all the best graduate vacancies are in London? Not at all – when you start looking, you might be surprised at what Nottingham and the wider East Midlands area has to offer. From small companies with a handful of employees, to large global organisations and everything in between, …

Are you LinkedIn?

By Charlotte Lambert, student blogger These days everything seems to be making its way onto the internet and the CV is following suit. A single sheet of A4 paper, now a thing of the past. The only question remaining, ‘are you LinkedIn?’. When I first heard about this I was beguiled at the very concept. …

Hundreds and Thousands of Vacancies for You!

By Jackie Thompson, E-Information Manager There are lots of job sites out there listing graduate and internship vacancies and we often get asked, where to start? Here are 10 compelling reasons why you should begin your job search with My Career, our online vacancy service. Just log in and start to explore! 1. Employers want …