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Posts by ahyeo2

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

By Emily Oxbury, history student blogger  When starting out on the career ladder, it’s easy to get swamped in jargon and job titles, and potentially feel out of your depth. Not to fear, everyone was in your shoes once! Here’s a few things to consider to help you overcome potential imposter syndrome when starting a …

How I Used LinkedIn While Job Hunting

Emily Oxbury, History MA Student Blogger LinkedIn can be an invaluable tool if you’re about to graduate and on the hunt for a career path after university. Connecting with professionals within the industry, finding job vacancies and highlighting your skills, qualifications and interests are just a few of the functions LinkedIn has to offer. Here’s …

The End of University… What Now?

Emily Oxbury, History student blogger So, you’ve graduated university. Everything you’ve been working towards for the past few years has led to this moment. But the days after graduation can feel like the loneliest, most confusing days. What do I do now? Who can I go to for help? What jobs should I apply for? …

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Top Tips to Balance Work and Study

By Emily Oxbury, history student blogger University certainly isn’t a cheap experience. From bus passes to society memberships, food shops to petrol, there’s a lot of outgoing costs. This leads many students to need to work part-time. But this can lead to a dilemma… how do you balance studying alongside working part time?  My first …

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What Nottingham Teaches You Beyond Your Degree

Emily Oxbury, MA History student blogger It’s finally here, graduation day. Your friends and family are suited and booted, and you’re all ready to give your biggest grin while walking across the stage. As you leave the stage, you’re handed the prize. Your degree. That one piece of beautifully embossed paper symbolises the years of …

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Keeping Your Social Media Professional

Emily Oxbury, MA History Student Blogger  Have you ever considered how your presence on social media could affect the way you portray yourself to potential employers? How can you use social media to demonstrate your passion and drive towards you dream career path? Here’s my top five tips on how to keep your social media …

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It’s My Final Ever Term at University… What Now?

By Emily Oxbury, MA History student blogger  As the summer term approaches, and Graduation day looms, I’m sure many students will have the sudden moment of realisation that this is their last ever term at university. A scary feeling. But there’s still plenty of time to sneak in a few last minute things to help …

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How to Make the Most Out of a Careers Fair

Emily Oxbury, MA History Student Blogger  The Graduate Jobs Fair is just around the corner on Wednesday 17 May, 11.30am – 3pm at David Ross Sports Village. If you’re set to graduate (or keen to get a head start thinking about future employment) this is a great opportunity to meet employers and ask any questions you …

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Make Yourself Stand Out on LinkedIn

By Emily Oxbury, MA History student blogger  Entering the professional world can seem rather daunting, especially with background checks on social media accounts becoming more and more common. Don’t get caught out by ensuring you have a formidable LinkedIn profile – the first place many employers will look to find out more about you. Here …

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How University Radio Nottingham Enhanced my CV

By Emily Oxbury, MA History student blogger Here at the University of Nottingham we have an array of fantastic media groups. NSTV, Impact, Nottingham New Theatre and University Radio Nottingham (URN) make up the Student Run Services (SRS) within the SU.  After stumbling across their stand at the society’s fair over three years ago, I …

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