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ChatGPT and Job Applications

By Gemma Foxall, Careers Adviser In a recent survey of students studying at UK universities, fewer than 10% said they wouldn’t use ChatGPT for their job applications. It’s not surprising then that this topic came up during a recent job application appointment I had with a Physiotherapy student. I spoke to Anita, who had used …

What Nottingham Teaches You Beyond Your Degree

Emily Oxbury, MA History student blogger It’s finally here, graduation day. Your friends and family are suited and booted, and you’re all ready to give your biggest grin while walking across the stage. As you leave the stage, you’re handed the prize. Your degree. That one piece of beautifully embossed paper symbolises the years of …

Researcher Careers Week Reflections

By Hiba Azim, postgraduate researcher Our Researcher Careers Week was a couple of weeks ago and attending the Networking Brunch was great, bringing together researchers and a wide variety of employers over coffee, croissants and nibbles. Now that I’ve had some time to reflect on my experience, I’ve made some interesting observations about why attending …

Keeping Your Social Media Professional

Emily Oxbury, MA History Student Blogger  Have you ever considered how your presence on social media could affect the way you portray yourself to potential employers? How can you use social media to demonstrate your passion and drive towards you dream career path? Here’s my top five tips on how to keep your social media …

How To Find Out if an Employer Is Genuinely Inclusive

By Amrina Kaur, Employability Officer Creating a diverse and inclusive work environment is important for both personal and professional growth. However, finding an employer that genuinely embraces equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) can be challenging. Explore practical steps to help you assess whether a potential employer is truly EDI positive, to help you find a …

Summer Term and I’m Still Not Sure What I’ll Be Doing When I Finish Uni…

By Cathy Sibley, Careers Adviser Where’s the time gone? One minute you’re a fresher with three years in front of you and now it’s summer term and you’re in your final year!  Many students find this a tricky time, as they don’t necessarily have a job to step straight into and feel they need to …

Additional Online Resources to Help You With Career Development

By Amrina Kaur, Employability Officer Did you know that the university subscribes to lots of additional online resources to help you with career development? Check out our list below to see if any would be useful for you, whether you are looking to research, practise your skills or discover valuable career insight. Do you need …

How to Reflect and Plan Your Next Steps

By Caroline Nolan, Careers Adviser There is no better time to take a look back over your first year, reflect on what you have done, and start planning your next steps. What career skills and experience have you developed and how can you expand them? Have you joined a society, attended careers events, become a …

Possible Career Options for Life Sciences Students

By Peter Kay, Senior Careers Adviser From our recent Careers Check-in survey we know that a large proportion of our life sciences students are interested in working in the following sectors after graduation: Science and research Science and pharmaceuticals Healthcare Environment  While there are many more opportunities open to graduates, in this blog we will …

It’s My Final Ever Term at University… What Now?

By Emily Oxbury, MA History student blogger  As the summer term approaches, and Graduation day looms, I’m sure many students will have the sudden moment of realisation that this is their last ever term at university. A scary feeling. But there’s still plenty of time to sneak in a few last minute things to help …