It’s Good to Be Back
September 28, 2014
Goodbye rainforest paradise, hello Nottingham! (not that Nottingham isn’t nice) I am back after a lovely 6-week summer in Malaysia. Scorching weather without book in sight, non-stop flow of conversation and good company pretty much sums up my trip home. The heat was what prompted my family to go up into the highlands where it was …
Travelling Light
July 2, 2014
So this is my penultimate post! The end is NIGHHHHHH Which is a little dramatic but everything feels a bit crazy, I can’t believe it’s all coming to an end, or a new beginning I suppose. I packed up my room/ house/ life and put it in a trailer on a very hot day – …
Listing my life
April 16, 2014
Discoveries I have made this week: 1. The non term-time hopper bus timetable. Do you like waiting? Do you enjoy gnawing hunger in the evenings? Do you enjoy randomly walking around because all Uni shops are closed? Well you’re in luck! We bring you the non term time hopper bus timetable- now even more inconvenient! …
An Unusual Christmas
December 23, 2013
This year will be the first Christmas I’ve spent away from home and my parents. It’s not all bad though because I at least have my sister and I still get to spend time with family. I guess it’s quite nice to know that thousands of miles away from home there is still nothing quite …
Christmas: The Movie; or, A Question of Genre
December 20, 2013
Back home for Christmas. And the lists have been written up. Lists for the Christmas party; Christmas decorations; baking ingredients; still-to-buy presents; and (most importantly) what-films-to-watch. Films. Movies. Whenever I think of the Christmas holidays I think of slumping on the sofa and watching a family film. For some people it’s TV series and, I …
September 25, 2013
I’m back – like the placement terminator. I’m home – like E.T. And I’m full of energy…like Eeyore Actually I’m quite tired, so I’m enjoying these two weeks at home to rest and catch up with family and friends and get lots of little jobs done – it’s gotten quite busy though. On a …
Ladding in London
June 19, 2013
Do you like Shakespeare? Do you like Merlin? Then you’ll love seeing Colin Morgan as Ariel in the Tempest! Points to anyone who got this reference: So I had a lovely weekend visiting my friend Carrie-Anne in Maidenhead I slept in one of the most comfy beds I’ve ever slept in: Ate some of …
Bristol Times
June 12, 2013
Hello everyone! I hope you are all enjoying being exam-free (anyone with exams left…stay strong), I am and I have been trying to make the most of being home. This week I went to a friends house and had takeaway and played games. We also watched League of Gentleman which is so wrong but so …
June 11, 2013
It’s a feeling some of you have probably experienced by now, making the long journey home and just flopping onto the sofa because your parents are going to take care of everything. There are clean bed sheets on your bed, washing up just magically does itself and the best thing? You can run a bath …