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How’s your holiday?

Hello, I’m currently revising for my exams. Progress is not too bad at the moment. I need to finish one module before the end of today and get back to Clincal Phase 1 – Clinical Practice (the tough one) as soon as possible since this is the one where a lot of people failed to …

2 Weeks Left!

Hello everybody! How’s your week? Have any plans for the bank holidays? I’m afraid I don’t have any apart from staying at home and studying for my upcoming examination in the next 2 weeks. Yeah, most of my friends from other courses have already finished their examination (Lucky them!). So yeah, if you ever have …


Hello everyone, Truth be told, I didn’t really have a good start to my week. You see, I was assigned to be at the Emergency Assessment Unit, EAU Ward (the ward that patients go to after A&E) this week and I am supposed to interview 8 patients before the end of the week. But my …

Salzburg, Austria

Hello again, As promised…here’s Salzburg! I have to say that this is my favourite destination city out of the 3 in my Halfway Breakaway. 2 things which are popular in Salzburg: The Sound of Music & Mozart. So, if you’re a fan of any of these, book your flight tickets. Just look at the pictures …

Prague, Czech Republic

Hello everybody, As you all know, I’m still at King’s Mill Hospital even though most of you are going on a holiday or having fun with your family and friends 😛 I’m enjoying it though. I mean, I love meeting patients and take blood from them (does this make me sound like a vampire?). Anyway, …

It’s the holidays!

Hi everyone! I hope all of you are enjoying your holidays. I certainly am. I’m currently waiting for my friends to pick me up and we’ll be heading to Loch Lomond in Scotland for 4 days. Right now, I’m just going to talk about the things that I’ve done for the past few days. It …

A little bit of Arabic and Thai in my week

Hello again, I’m sure all of you are now back at home, taking a nice break from whatever you’ve been doing since the past several months. Me unfortunately, is still working in the lab. I know, what a bummer~ Well anyway, last Thursday was the last day of the Arabic class which I’ve been taking …

Tain’t whatcha do it’s the way that you do it… and that’s what gets results!

Hi to y’all! (or should that be, hi to ‘yule’? I know, I’m so witty…) So, just one week left at uni before the holidays! This week just gone has been a lot of fun, there’s been a lot of events happening in the run up to Christmas. For me it’s been a week filled …

1 down, 1 to go

Hey there! I’ve had my first essay exam of the year 2 days ago…and now, just one more left and then, I’ll be free! Alhamdulillah, I am very delighted that I managed to answer the essay questions quite alright on Friday. At least, I felt confident during the exam. I just hope that I can …