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Stages of Writing an Essay

I have been in complete essay mode over the last month, writing an accumulative total of 18,000 words. Now that I’ve emerged on the other side, I think it’s safe to say I’ve become relatively well-versed in the stages of writing an essay…   First of all, there’s the Planning stage. A teacher once told …

Top Study Spots in Notts

When I’m writing an essay at home, I like to move about from room to room, convincing myself that I’ll be more productive if I work somewhere else. In reality, it’s just a pretty shoddy attempt at avoiding reading another article. There is something quite refreshing, though, in studying in a different setting to normal …

3 Ways to Reduce Deadline Stress

It’s that time of year again. The evenings are darker, the days are colder, and your sleep cycle is so out of tune that you might as well be in another timezone. Not exactly ideal combined with the crushing weight of winter coursework deadlines. So if you’re feeling the pressure, try out some of the …

The George Green survival guide

It’s coming to the end of term and that can only mean one thing: coursework deadline day! As there is a completely new George Green library, this blog will give you tips on how to survive with you and your coursework in George Green 2.0.   George Green Café The long awaited arrival of a …

My Favourite Coffee Shops in Nottingham ☕️

Like most university students I have a wonderful relationship..with coffee. Coffee may just be my one true love that comes in many forms, but my top three has got to be the flat white, espresso macchiato or a latte (usually my go-to when a flat white isn’t available). Lately I have been cafe-hopping quite a lot in …

Hallward vs. Home

The Easter egg chocolate has dwindled away, sunny days are being spent indoors and I’m all out of ways to avoid the dreaded coursework that needs to be done. As a final form of procrastination, I’m weighing up working in the library versus working at home today!   Home No one will ask you to watch …

That Time of Year Again

It is that time of year again where things that happen at this time of year… happen. Some of them are good and some of them are bad and you can decide which is which. Before I continue, I apologise for being away for so long. I have a good excuse this time (I promise!). You may have realised …

December cognitive dissonance – aka, me not making my mind up

Do you know when that coursework is for? Excellent – the last week of term is aaaages away Calendar check….wait a second?! Everything is due next week! Must remember to breathe.     Inhale.     Exhale.      Inhale.      Exhale But…that means it’s Christmas soon! Eating good food, family time, church, celebration …

The C Word

No I don’t mean cancer, I mean the C-Word that university students dread hearing: COURSEWORK As you may have realized I missed a blogging slot last week. Sorry about that, this was due to said coursework. I had to do a workbook on Gastro-Intestinal and Liver Diseases with 11 questions, with each answer being about …


Memory Turn your face to the coursework Let your memory lead you Open brain, engage thought If you find there the meaning of what nutrition is Then a new piece of work will begin   Memory, all alone in the library I can smile at facebook Candy Crush is beautiful there I remember the time …