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Big Brother is watching…the BBC Good Food Show

“WAR IS PEACE” “FREEDOM IS SLAVERY” “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH” Ever wondered where the phrases “big Brother” and “room 101” come from? Well the answer is the novel 1984 by George Orwell; a bleak portrayal of a future where a dictatorship rules humanity and life is defined by the slogans above. The New Theatre (the only …


Saturday saw the annual OTC Christmas dinner; dinner jackets, self-tied bow ties and martini’s at the reception.  Theme you say? Skyfall! The ladies bought their gowns, in some cases more than one (just in case) while the gentlemen desperately scavenged YouTube for a step by step guide to tying their own bow ties. The soup …

Mr Independent

On Thursday of last week I was struck with an unfortunate case of man flu: an awful illness that most men are susceptible too, which really knocks you for six. I’m not gonna lie it wasn’t easy, but I feel like I’m on the mend (thank you for your concern!). This weekend my poor housemates …

And It’s Back to Work…

The play is over. The new issue of Impact is out. Radio show for next week is already planned. That can only mean one thing…I either have to clean my room or actually get back to focusing on that degree I have to pass at the end of the year! Instead I have chosen to …

Happy Friesday!

Today is Friesday…this means Burger King is giving away free fries. True story! After lectures, a friend and I hopped on the bus 34 and went to Burger King for the delicious treat. If you are reading this and it is still Friday 30th November, head on down to Burger King. YUM! In honour of …

Where will you live?

Dear Readers, First of all I’d like to apologise for the delayed posting of this blog. We’ve entered the second half of November and with it came an avalanche of deadlines. I beat my own record of most-amount-of-time-spent-in-the-library’ on Sunday, by a new personal best of thirteen hours (not really something to be proud of …


If I was doing a degree in procrastination I would get… …a fail because I’d have distracted myself doing something else. Well I’m not that bad. I do get my work done before deadlines and I do try to be organised, however sometimes it all gets a bit much and working swiftly changes to procrastination. …

The Christmas Countdown!

I’d like to apologise for the late postage of this blog and hope you readers haven’t bitten through your fingernails in anticipation… but here it is! I will make be making up for the ‘missed’ blog and posting another this week, on time! I’m finally understanding the life of a University student, and it is …

On being 21

Today marks my reaching of the grand old age of 21, and as one of my friends pointed out, I’m now legal in America! This didn’t stop me being ID’d in Wetherspoons at 4 in the afternoon to buy myself a Chicken Tikka…. WHAT? Typically I had nothing on me but they said only one of …

It’s only November!

So I am writing this blog whilst eating a Christmas biscuit and although I resent the fact that the Christmas spirit seemed to infect everyone from the start of November…I have to admit this biscuit is pretty good!     Accused of being a Grinch by my housemates (even to the point where I was …