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Introducing Trusted Research Environments

The UoN Trusted Research Environment (TRE) Service is now live. The University of Nottingham’s pioneering Trusted Research Environment (TRE) platform is now live, enhancing the University’s research capabilities. Hosted by Digital and Technology Services (DTS) in Microsoft Azure, the secure data platform is available to researchers, partnered institutions and trusted organisations working with highly sensitive …

HoloLens 2 and research

This week, we trialled HoloLens 2 technology with colleagues from the School of Life Sciences, the Biodiscovery Institute, the School of Education, the Nanoscale & Microscale Research Centre, and the Hounsfield Facility.  The workshop was led by InterReality Labs, with support from Microsoft. The HoloLens 2 is an untethered, wearable device that can project holographic …