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My fieldwork affair with the Neo-Smart Pen

My research projects are typically ethnographies at settings where carrying along laptops, tablets, cameras and other relatively heavy or expensive devices for data collection is not always feasible, safe or practical. I have used alternatives such as mobile phones as many now incorporate large storage spaces, high-end hardware and apps for taking pictures, recording and …

The Internet of Simulations

The Digital Research Team is working with Charlie Laughton in the School of Pharmacy to explore if computational simulations could be done differently.  In many fields, computational methods are used to generate a prediction as to how a system will behave over time. Typically the simulation is a small window in time into what is, …

Arts Impact: Storytelling Objects – Prototype and Design

In the summer, our research team started the Storytelling with Objects project and began a design session to create a set of storytelling artefacts. Our team held a design workshop on 6th June 2017 at the Mixed Reality Lab in the School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham. Together with transmedia practitioners, we explored several …

Corrupt Kitchen VR Dev-Diary 2

The Digital Research Team are working with Computer Science, Law and Politics on developing a VR game about corruption. Dr Paul Tennent describes the on going development below: Welcome to the next section of the Corrupt Kitchen VR development diary. Today we’re going to talk a bit more about realising the game experience. First though …

FAIR in Practice?

When we talk about research data management, we often talk about researchers depositing their own data and having to identify and re-use data produced by others. However, the process of identifying suitable data and making use of other people’s data is often challenging and sometimes impossible. In a world where the volume of data is …

Arts Impact: Our Theatre Royal Nottingham

The Digital Research Team has been supporting a collaborative research project run by Jo Robinson in the School of English and Laura Carletti  from Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute to enable the Theatre Royal Nottingham to research, curate and share their history through a digital archive. The Heritage Lottery Fund awarded a grant to the …