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Arts Impact: Storytelling Objects

This guest blog post was provided by Hyosun Kwon from the Mixed Reality Lab: The Storytelling Objects project aims to explore notions of audience engagement with hybrid (digital/physical) gifting. We will be creating a ‘box’ that will be sent out to transmedia practitioners. The box will ask them to create a ‘captivating’ story fragment using …

Use of Affordable Eye Tracking in News Verification Strategies

The Digital Research team are facilitating a collaboration between Schools of Sociology and Social Policy, and Computer Science to explore fake news in social media. Having completed a survey which explored user perceptions of fake news, we are now about to begin a series of studies looking more closely at the ways people assess digital …

Data management planning for a signature research centre

Scientific equipment can now regularly produce what we might perceive enormous volumes of data. Gene sequencers or imaging system that can produce 200 gigabytes in a day are already in common use at the University of Nottingham, and equipment already exists which can produce 100 terabytes in a day. Data volumes are always likely to …