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How University Radio Nottingham Enhanced my CV

By Emily Oxbury, MA History student blogger Here at the University of Nottingham we have an array of fantastic media groups. NSTV, Impact, Nottingham New Theatre and University Radio Nottingham (URN) make up the Student Run Services (SRS) within the SU.  After stumbling across their stand at the society’s fair over three years ago, I …

Think Pacific: A Summer With a Difference in Fiji

By Sam Killick, International Relations and Global Issues graduate At the start of August, I had the pleasure of travelling out to Fiji and participating in one of Think Pacific’s month-long Community Build Expeditions. This blog will tell you a little bit more about the work that Think Pacific does in Fiji as well as …

Boosting My Fieldwork Skills In Croatia – A Work Experience Like No Other

By Ellen Blackmore, Environmental Science graduate Me and my placement: After completing my MSci degree in Environmental Science, I was lucky enough to spend two weeks volunteering as a Research Assistant with Operation Wallacea in the stunning country of Croatia. Operation Wallacea is an organisation of academics and field biologists who run biodiversity and conservation …

Connecting Students with Recruiters

By Stuart Marriott, Associate Director, on behalf of the Careers and Employability Service We know from several sources that Nottingham students go on to do amazing things. Whether it’s a volunteering opportunity, a summer internship or a graduate scheme, Nottingham students make a significant contribution and impact to many different types of organisation.  Recently, the University of …

My Experience Taking Part In Extracurricular Activities

Jason Richards, Aerospace Engineering student blogger The world of engineering is a competitive field. With the high number of people going to university to get degrees, it is a challenge to stand out from a crowd with just your university experience. A common way to get around this is through extracurricular activities. Why do an extracurricular …

How To Find a Student Job That Works for You

By Amaia Robertson Nogues, American Studies and English student We all know that it can be tricky to balance a university workload as well as part-time jobs. However, they are a great opportunity to give your CV a boost whilst also earning some extra cash. With countless obscure work listings and nightclub ambassadors waving leaflets …

A Sea of New Possibilities: How a Month in Mexico Helped Shape My Future Career

By Jack Roberts, Zoology graduate The International Work Experience Grant (IWEG) offers funding to University of Nottingham undergraduate students to support overseas work experience. IWEG is designed to enable students to undertake work experience opportunities that they might not otherwise be able to afford, such as paid internships with a private sector business, a volunteering opportunity, …

Sustainability Challenge: A Personal Reflection

By Megan Sharma-Bradley, second year Film and Television Studies student What new knowledge have you acquired about sustainability? I have learned about the extent that the university considers sustainability, but also has a long way to go. Key milestones such as achieving the 2010-2020 Carbon Reduction targets and 2021’s Strategic Delivery Plan are a great …

Why You Should Join a Society Whilst at University

By Emily Oxbury, MA History student blogger On first impression, university societies may seem purely about socialising, trying new activities and widening your friendship circles. Most university courses have a corresponding subject based society, which is a great starting point for finding interesting talks, demonstrations and trips which directly link to your area of expertise! …

I Found My True Career Interest Through the Nottingham Consultancy Challenge

By Guanzhong Wang, Finance accounting and management student I am always actively looking for new opportunities through the Careers and Employability Service website. That’s how I found the Nottingham Consultancy Challenge. After reading what to expect from the challenge, I felt it would be a great opportunity for my career development so I signed up. I …