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5 Tips for a Winning Junior Digital Marketing CV

By Andrew Fennell, Founder of StandOut CV Every company needs an online presence nowadays. Demand for digital marketing professionals is on the rise and is unlikely to slow down anytime soon. Securing an entry-level or graduate digital marketing role could open up incredible opportunities down the line.   But, with minimal experience, how are you meant to …

Applying for the Nottingham Internship Scheme as a Disabled Student

By Christain Jameson-Warren, Employability Education Projects Officer Having a positive experience of work during your studies can set a good foundation for the rest of your working career. As well as gaining valuable experience, identifying personal strengths and developing skills for future job applications. Undertaking work experience can also help your self-confidence and mental well-being. …

How I Ended Up Working in a Prison

By Jessica Fath, BSc Psychology alumna      About one hour after my graduation ceremony, I received a call from my future employer offering me the job I had applied for a few days earlier. Out of at least 20 applications, this was the only interview I’ve had. Without the Careers Team, there is no way I …

References – What, Why, Who, When, Where

By Abigail Rowse, Employability Officer As an Employability Officer for the University’s Careers and Employability Service, I get asked regularly about references. If you’ve not been through the references process before, they can seem confusing. This blog aims to simplify them for you using the “five Ws” so you can feel confident when you are next asked to supply …

Failure Isn’t an Option… or Is It?

By Hannah Woolley, Employability Education Manager   Failure is bad, success is good. Right? Maybe not. Whatever the scale of your apparent whoopsy, whether you’ve had a minor mishap at work or things have gone belly up and a job change is on the cards. Here are three reasons why an occasional career catastrophe can …

How And Why To Get Feedback From Your Interview

By Caroline Nolan, Employability Officer  Your pre-performance adrenaline that kicks in when you go for an interview can all too quickly slide into a negative post-match analysis if you don’t get the job. How can you face asking why, when all you want to do is scream and yell at them for not seeing how …

Alternatives to Internships

By Kathryn Moss, Employability Officer   If you haven’t got an internship lined up for the summer this year, don’t panic! There are other ways to have a productive summer break while building skills and experience to boost your CV! Read on for my four alternatives to internships   1. Volunteering  University vacation times are a …

Graduates With Autism Making a Difference in SMEs

By Henry Pynegar, General Manager of Power Vigilance Power Vigilance is a fast-growing Nottingham based business who have offered a range of work experience roles to students in recent years. Here they talk about their experience of hiring two graduates with autism, the adjustments they have made as a business to accommodate individual needs and …

Digital Skills: Let’s Get Digital!

By Katie Watson, second year BA (Hon) History, student blogger Learning some digital skills can really help you land a great job once you leave university. Honestly, it is not as hard as you might think either. Here are 3 things you can do to go from this: via GIPHY To This: via GIPHY 1. Complete …

What to Love About SMEs?

By Kathryn Moss, Employability Officer Love is in the air, so we wanted to share our top 5 reasons to love small to medium-sized businesses! A small to medium-sized business is any business that employs fewer than 250 people and has an annual turnover of less than £50 million. According to a report by FSB …