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The NHS: my experience

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Dietetics and Nutrition, second year student blogger As lockdown is getting lifted, there is one aspect which I am actually going to miss. The weekly excitement of standing at our doorsteps on a Thursday night, waving at our neighbours and taking part in the ‘Clap for Carers’. It’s a time when …

Placements – Ready, Steady, Go

By Caroline Nolan, Employability Officer You are about to start your penultimate year of study. You may already have a Placement Year as part of your course or… you hear the term ‘placement’ mentioned by one of your friends. But what is the value of a placement? Why should you apply? What will you gain …

First Year Students Should Plan Ahead to Build in a Placement Year

By Chris Colegate, Careers and Employability Placement Consultant Did you know that students on a course without a work placement year or year in industry can now build one in?   The University introduced a new approach in 2018 that allows students to add in a full year work placement in their penultimate year of study. This …

What You Need To Know About Postgraduate Placements Nottingham

By Debra Fearnshaw, Placements Delivery Manager What is Postgraduate Placements Nottingham (PPN)? PPN is a paid, flexible placement programme for all students and researchers studying masters or PhD courses.  Placements are very flexible and usually consist of a 200-hour project worked to fit around your studies over the course of several months. What type of …

Why You Should Be Thinking About a Placement In Your First Year

By Bethany Ramshaw, second-year studying animal sciences As the snow continues to fall, summer may seem far away. However, that doesn’t mean it’s too soon to think about a placement. Short-term, work experience style placements are ideal for the summer. They keep your mind working over those months away, and help you begin to build …

Micro Lady in a Big World

Sophie Parfitt. BSc Microbiology. Industrial placement student at Redx Pharma, 2016-2017. At least, that’s what my CV will say by the end of this year. There’ll be a lot of trials and tribulations ahead – but I’m certain I’ll learn a lot too! This February, I got a call that frankly I wasn’t prepared for, …

Exploring the Internship Fair

By Lydia Percival, student blogger Last month, I attended the Internship Fair. The fair provided students with the opportunity to find out about internships offered by a wide range of employers.  While I greatly enjoyed my long summer of relaxation and part-time work at the student accommodation services at Loughborough University, I think next summer it would be a good …

Internships: How to Get Them and Why You Should

By Hannah Somers, studying a PhD in molecular microbiology I have recently completed a three-month placement with Cancer Research UK. I secured this internship as part of my course – the funding for my PhD programme stipulates that I must take a 12-week placement away from the lab. I know from experience just how tricky …

The more experience, the better

By Charlotte Lambert, student blogger At the start of the second year of my degree I sent email upon email to various publishing houses. As I am currently considering either the marketing industry or the publishing industry, I decided to aim for a little taster of both to determine which suited my interests best. Stepping …

My Placement with Sky

By Charlotte Lambert, student blogger The autumn term is generally a time for settling back into university life, but as a second-year student, this autumn involved dozens upon dozens of applications for work experience, internships and summer placements. For the most part these applications led to nothing which was more than a little disheartening, but …