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What Do Science Graduates Do?

By Katie Bonner, Careers Adviser Every year Luminate, an arm of Prospects that focuses on data, publish their report on “What do Graduates do?” It’s a deep-dive into the destinations of graduates 15 months after leaving university, and 2023’s report looks at where the graduating class of 2019/20 ended up.  In this blog I’m looking …

The End of University… What Now?

Emily Oxbury, History student blogger So, you’ve graduated university. Everything you’ve been working towards for the past few years has led to this moment. But the days after graduation can feel like the loneliest, most confusing days. What do I do now? Who can I go to for help? What jobs should I apply for? …

I’m a Master’s Graduate, Where Do I Go From Here?

By Katie Ray, Careers Adviser So, you’re about to complete your postgraduate study – congratulations! As exciting as this next chapter should be, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed, unsure of the future, and confused about what steps to take next.   Rest assured; all those feelings are very normal. If you’re feeling stuck and …

I’m a Postgraduate Student and Worried About Getting a Job

By Anna Glaze-Krayer, Employability Officer The University of Nottingham’s most recent graduate outcomes data (collected from students who graduated in 2020) provides plenty of reasons for postgraduate students to be optimistic. Surveyed 15 months after graduation, 86.6% of those with postgraduate qualifications were in what’s classed as ‘highly skilled’ work, or further higher education. Furthermore, …

What Nottingham Teaches You Beyond Your Degree

Emily Oxbury, MA History student blogger It’s finally here, graduation day. Your friends and family are suited and booted, and you’re all ready to give your biggest grin while walking across the stage. As you leave the stage, you’re handed the prize. Your degree. That one piece of beautifully embossed paper symbolises the years of …

Summer Term and I’m Still Not Sure What I’ll Be Doing When I Finish Uni…

By Cathy Sibley, Careers Adviser Where’s the time gone? One minute you’re a fresher with three years in front of you and now it’s summer term and you’re in your final year!  Many students find this a tricky time, as they don’t necessarily have a job to step straight into and feel they need to …