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Prioritising your wellbeing throughout your career journey

By Hemakshi Soni, sociology and social policy student © via Unsplash by Brooke Cagle In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to get overwhelmed with jobs, the pressure to exceed, meet deadlines and achieve career milestones. This can sometimes lead us to neglect our health so it is crucial to prioritise your physical and mental well-being …

Empowerment through professional boundaries

By Hemakshi Soni, sociology and social policy student – © via Unsplash by Brooke Cagle Starting a new job can be a daunting experience but learning how to protect yourself and set boundaries can help you navigate challenging situations, prioritise your wellbeing as well as maintain professionalism and respectfulness. Professional boundaries include physical, emotional, spiritual …

Mastering day one: Overcoming new job jitters

By Hemakshi Soni, BA Sociology and Social Policy © via Unsplash by Desola Lanre-Ologun So, you’ve cleared the initial application, nailed the nerve-wracking interview and you’ve secured a position at a placement or a job and now it’s time for your first day. First of all, congratulations! This is a big achievement and it is …

What Is the Soundtrack to Your Career?

By Amy Liscoe, psychology student If you’re anything like me there probably isn’t a day that goes by that you don’t listen to music. It wakes me up each morning, plays in my headphones throughout the day, and often creeps in again when I’m off to bed. Music is such a huge part of my …

Kindness: The Workplace Superpower!

By Hannah Woolley, Careers and Employability Consultant Being kind doesn’t often feature in lists of what graduate employers look for, nor does it tend to appear in many job descriptions or person specifications, yet offering kindness can be a powerful force for good in the workplace.  We asked two brilliant UoN alums to share their …

Managing Interview Stress With Mindfulness Meditation

By Maisy Sheldon, Biotechnology with Industrial Year student Sweaty palms, elevated heart rate, racing thoughts, and the inability to focus are common symptoms of interview stress and anxiety. For those who have limited or no interviewing experience, preparing for and doing an interview may be nerve-racking. Interviews are uncomfortable and one of the most difficult …

How Not to Be the Perfect Intern

By Anna White, Placement Projects Officer A couple of years after I graduated, I was looking to change direction so took a short-term internship with an IT start-up. I was 23, newly back from having a baby and trying to escape a job I hated. I felt the stakes were sky high, so I put …

Maintaining Your Wellbeing in the Digital Workplace

By Hannah Woolley, Careers and Employability Consultant Workplaces are increasingly digital. Whether you’re doing an internship or placement or have recently moved into a graduate job, digital workplace practices are likely to be a big part of your experience. With this in mind, it makes sense to give some thought to what this means for …

How I Boosted My Productivity Using The Pomodoro Technique

By Anna McConachie, English student blogger Faced with four large essays and a dissertation to write over the Christmas break, I was feeling overwhelmed. When a friend suggested I try the pomodoro technique, at first I was sceptical. But after too many days spent at my laptop, I decided to try it, and was happily …

Surviving Psychometric Tests

By Christian Jameson-Warren, Employability Education Projects Officer When I hear the word ‘test’, I immediately think ‘pass’ and ‘fail’. Actually, mostly ‘fail’. With some pressure to not even pass, to just ‘not fail’. To avoid failure. To avoid being not good enough. Might sound a little dramatic, but from my conversations with students I don’t …