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Why Do I Keep Hearing About Self-reflection?

By Cyrielle Mevel, Employability Education Projects Officer Whether it’s part of your degree or an extra-curricular activity you are doing, you will have probably heard about the importance of self-reflection at some point. Employers are also constantly citing self-reflection and self-awareness as being two of the top skills that are the most sought after. But …

Spotlight On Publishing – What I Learnt

By Anna McConachie, English student blogger Publishing is a growing industry. Last year UK consumer book sales climbed 7% to £2.1bn according to a BBC News article. If you’re an English or humanities student like me, I’m sure you’ve considered it as a career. Here’s what I learnt from a recent publishing event hosted by …

What Is a Mentor… and Do I Really Need One?

By Katy Skillen MNutr Master of Nutrition and Dietetics, third year “I’ve found a mentor!” Recently, my housemate told me that she’s found a careers mentor for herself, and I was actually really surprised. I hadn’t heard of many people getting mentors before and didn’t really understand what a mentor is. So, let me break …

How To Deal With Imposter Phenomenon

By Ash Watts, Professional Services Projects Officer What are you doing here? You don’t deserve to be here. You don’t belong here. Are these common thoughts, familiar voices or words in your head? Well, you’re not the only one, in fact it is suggested that 70% of people have had these thoughts and feelings. It …

Career Exploration: What Is It and Why Should I Start Now?

By Anna Scrivener, Employability Education Projects Officer  We see students to help with a range of career questions, but often the real problem is that they need to spend time on their career exploration. Before you can find suitable opportunities, or put together a great application, you have to know the answer to a few questions: …

Virtual Careers Fairs: The Ultimate Guide

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics, student blogger So, you’ve got to grips with lectures from home, societies from home, and catching up with friends… from home. But how about discovering your next job from home? Well, that is exactly what a virtual careers fair aims to help you do! Having attended the virtual …

3 Tips for Boosting Your Employability Using the Careers Website

By Bryony Adshead, final year English Student and a student ambassador for the Careers and Employability Service Boosting your employability can be hard during the pandemic – many opportunities for work experience have been cancelled, there are fewer part-time jobs on offer, and even the practical experience offered by our courses, such as in-person group …

Your Rights and Responsibilities at Work

By, Christian Jameson-Warren – Employability Education Projects Officer. Having a positive experience at work as a student or graduate can set the tone for the rest of your working career and can help keep you mentally and physically healthy. This blog post can help you with finding and accessing any support you may need, to …

Dissertations and Projects That Influence Your Career Part 2: Interviews

By Katy Skillen, third-year MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics student I’ve recently been given my title for my dissertation next year and I’m very excited about it! Dissertations or final year projects take up a lot of time and it becomes a huge part of your final year at university. So, it’s natural that you’ll want …

How Can We Achieve Career Fulfilment?

By Katy Skillen, third year Master of Nutrition and Dietetics student. It’s now been around a year since Lockdown 1.0 was announced. By now we have all adjusted to a slightly more monotonous and repetitive way of life. And this might not just be in our personal lives, but in our professional lives as well. …