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Publishing in Practice: Writing a Pitch

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger So, you’ve written a piece of work you want to show to the world. You’re interested in beginning the process of getting literary agents and publishers involved, but you need to write a pitch. This essential part of the publishing process can be tricky. You need to …

Five Local Publishers You Can Submit Work To

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger If you’re interested in a creative career, having relevant experience on your CV is vital. Nottingham is a City of Literature and therefore boasts many great publications accepting a variety of creative pieces. Here are five local publishers you can send your work to: The Tab Writing …

How to kick-start a writing career during quarantine

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger The best thing we can do right now is isolate. But it doesn’t mean this time should be wasted. If you’re interested in a career in writing, or have maybe always been interested in the craft, now is the perfect opportunity to get creative and practice. Here …

Building careers while staying indoors

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics student blogger It is safe to say that in recent weeks, everything has changed. This is a time of great uncertainty regarding so many aspects of our lives, and one of those is our careers. For me, my part-time job working in a bar has been suspended and …

Why law firm websites are a useful research tool

By Craig Sharpe (Darlingtons law firm), Shribavani Shrikaran (chemistry student), Marissa Oluwadare (law student), and Sophie Barber (law student) As potential lawyers, it’s important for law students to have a firm grasp of the differences between law firms and the current state of the legal market.  You need to thoroughly research the firms you want …

Responding to that dreaded question…

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics student blogger We all have experienced this, talking to friends, family or even strangers about university and being faced with one of the most stressful questions. “So, what about after graduation?” This question always freaks me out. I’m in my second year of a four-year course and have …

How to boost a creative writing application

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger To write or not to write: isn’t that always the question? When I first wrote my application for my MA in Creative Writing at the University of Nottingham, I realised it was severely lacking. My ‘passion’ for my subject was not reflected in my real-life experiences. I …

Chronological CV vs skills based CV

By Caroline Nolan, Employability Officer A good CV is a powerful tool. In less than 30 seconds it should be able to truthfully sell your achievements and secure you an interview. Your CV is the first point of contact with an employer for a specific type of role. From the employer’s perspective, it’s the only …

Securing an internship in geoscience as a physicist

By Oliver Mansfield, fourth year MSci Physics student In my penultimate year of study I set myself the goal to secure an internship for the following summer. After wasting the previous summer playing video games and watching TV, I felt it was important to take the opportunity to gain some much needed ‘real-world’ experience before …

Want an exciting legal career? Join a start-up

By Tom Bangay, University of Nottingham alumnus and director of content at Juro As one of the best law schools in the world, Nottingham graduates naturally progress to top law firms. But private practice and corporate law aren’t the only options for Nottingham’s lawyers-in-waiting. Venture capital-backed start-ups have started to take over legal, attracting billions …