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Career Exploration: How I Figured Out What To Do After University

By Agnes Sokolowska, mathematics student blogger Like many people, I came to university with a very vague idea of my career plans. In fact, the further I got into my degree, I became even less sure of what I wanted to do. For my first blog post, I want to share how I figured out …

An Exploration of the Virtual Reality Industry

By Bethany Read, English student As someone who is by no means set on a future career path, I am always interested in exploring new and exciting options. So when I saw that the Careers and Employability Service was offering a Spotlight On event about creative careers in media and virtual reality (VR), I was …

Profiling for Success: Your Online Reflection Tool

By Charlene Binding, Employability Education Projects Officer How easy is it for you to describe your learning style, figure out your personality type or pinpoint the things that matter to you most about your career? If you’re feeling a bit stuck about career areas that appeal to you, or aren’t sure how to articulate these …

The First Steps Towards Figuring Out Your Career Options

By Anna McConachie, English student blogger Deciding what you want to do after university can be tough. This is especially true if (like me) you find yourself interested in many different career sectors, with no clear route to that ‘end goal’.  As an undergraduate English student, I’m often overwhelmed by the opportunities that come from …

How to Prioritise Your Future Wellbeing When Exploring Career Options

By Hannah Woolley, Careers and Employability Consultant At some point you’re likely to start thinking about what you’ll do next and begin to explore graduate jobs. Different people approach this at different points, and that’s fine, but whenever you decide the time is right, it’s worth trying to factor in your future wellbeing. After all, …

Accounting Careers: The Difference Between Working in Industry and in Practice

By Tom Bilby, Marketing Executive at online-based accountancy practice, The Accountancy Partnership If you’re reading this blog post then the chances are you’re a fledging finance bod, plotting your route into a career in accounting. It’s an exciting time and one we hope you’ll look back on fondly as you reflect from a position of …

Career Exploration: What Is It and Why Should I Start Now?

By Anna Scrivener, Employability Education Projects Officer  We see students to help with a range of career questions, but often the real problem is that they need to spend time on their career exploration. Before you can find suitable opportunities, or put together a great application, you have to know the answer to a few questions: …

Virtual Careers Fairs: The Ultimate Guide

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics, student blogger So, you’ve got to grips with lectures from home, societies from home, and catching up with friends… from home. But how about discovering your next job from home? Well, that is exactly what a virtual careers fair aims to help you do! Having attended the virtual …

Careers in Publishing: What To Expect in 2021 and Beyond

By Caroline Nolan, Employability Education Projects Officer The recent encouraging news of record annual sales from Bloomsbury is an indication of how the publishing sector is responding during the pandemic. As Stephen Lotinga, CEO of the Publisher Association commented, ‘many people rediscovered their love of reading last year during lockdown.’ However, publishing is still facing …

Conversations About Careers: My Experience and Advice

By Rosie Pinder, BA English second year For many students and recent graduates, there is a looming pressure to figure out a career path and have a job lined up immediately after university. I have lost count of the number of times over the summer that I have been asked about my plans post-graduation. And …