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A big ‘hello’ from Careers

By Jackie Thompson, Information and Communications Manager Whether you’re just starting at Nottingham or a returning student, the University’s Careers team is here for you. Although we’re not physically on campus, we are online to help you navigate these extraordinary times. A snapshot of the autumn term As well as online careers appointments and  job-hunting …

My Career Mentoring experience

By Kathryn Moore, mentee Career Mentoring offers you the opportunity to be supported with your career goals by a member of our alumni community. Kathryn tells us all about her Career Mentoring experience. “My goal seems more achievable.” My mentor During my second year at university I felt that it was important to begin looking towards life afterwards. …

Connect to a world of expertise with Career Mentoring

Career Mentoring offers you the opportunity to be supported with your career goals by a member of our alumni community. Hear from past mentees about their Career Mentoring experience. “I’m so pleased I took part.” Anisha Johal, MA English Literature  My mentor, Keith, had completed a PhD at Nottingham in film and had a film consultation …

Working in Sales: What I Learned

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger To support my masters degree, I got a part-time job in sales. Sales was a career area I had always been interested in, and I have learned a lot from the experience. Here are the top five things I learned: Representing the brand You are responsible for …

My tips on video interviews from home

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics, second year student blogger Well, I never thought that I would be having a job interview in my bedroom. But I guess we are living in very unprecedented times. Normally, a job interview would involve me getting dressed up and sitting in an office across a desk from …

Identifying your strengths in preparation for your job search

By Hayley Williams, Students’ Union Employability Development Manager All of us have strengths and weaknesses, it’s what makes us unique and individual. When undertaking your job search it’s helpful to understand a bit more about your strengths to make sure you’re applying for roles that will suit you and encourage you to perform well. By …

Exploring career options – time to think creatively?

By Jo Workman, Employability Education Projects Officer Knowing where to start when thinking about your future career can be tricky, and there are a number of models used by careers advisers to help you approach this. A widely used model is known as ‘DOTS’ which covers thinking about what opportunities are out there, developing your …

What we can do if every day is becoming a pyjama day

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics student blogger Our working environment has shifted drastically in the past few weeks. Most of us have had to switch from studying in the cosiness of our student rooms, or intensive environment of the libraries, to sharing a cluttered kitchen table with the rest of your family. No …

Keep your career planning moving forward

By Debra Henson, Senior Careers Advisor Everything is on hold, but it will eventually pass. If you are fit and well and socially distancing, there are things you can do that will not only keep you occupied, but could keep your career planning ticking over and your CV moving forward, even when everything else is …

Why law firm websites are a useful research tool

By Craig Sharpe (Darlingtons law firm), Shribavani Shrikaran (chemistry student), Marissa Oluwadare (law student), and Sophie Barber (law student) As potential lawyers, it’s important for law students to have a firm grasp of the differences between law firms and the current state of the legal market.  You need to thoroughly research the firms you want …