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An Arts Degree is the Best Preparation for the Digital World

by Lauren Wilson, English and French graduate As we all know, an arts degree doesn’t prepare you for a particular profession; cue the decision-making over what career you will forge after graduating! However, this ‘open-ended-ness’ is also one of the best things about studying English, languages, music, history of art, the list goes on… A …

Micro Lady in a Big World

Sophie Parfitt. BSc Microbiology. Industrial placement student at Redx Pharma, 2016-2017. At least, that’s what my CV will say by the end of this year. There’ll be a lot of trials and tribulations ahead – but I’m certain I’ll learn a lot too! This February, I got a call that frankly I wasn’t prepared for, …

How I Went From an Arts Degree to a Career in Social Work

by Anna Halsall, BA English and Philosophy, graduated 2011 After leaving university, I was unsure where my next chapter would lead me. I knew I wanted a career that provided challenge, variety, and was fulfilling. I toiled with the idea of commencing postgraduate social work study, but held off initially to build up my work experience. After …

How Working With Unitemps Can Help Your CV and Your Wallet

by Alice Gould, student blogger During my four years at university I’ve had a lot of jobs through Unitemps, from modelling to proof reading to working at open days. Unitemps is a great way to earn money as a student – it’s almost entirely temporary work and lots of it is part-time. However, temping isn’t just …

How to Get More out of An Employer Presentation

By Grace Pownall, student blogger Last year, I attended employer presentations by two engineering consultancies, Arup and Atkins. These presentations are designed to attract potential applicants for the company’s graduate schemes, however they are equally useful for someone searching for a summer placement or work experience, like I was.  Here are five reasons why employer presentations …

Why Working for a Small Business Can Lead to Big Opportunities for Graduates

By head of BusinessComparison.com, Philip Brennan By the time you graduate, you will have attended lectures, swotted for your finals and managed to survive years of financial hardship, so it’s hardly surprising that you might covet a City job in swanky offices with a thriving social scene and plush canteen. However, not all graduate jobs yield …

Guanxi, and 4 Websites to Kickstart Your Advertising Career in China

by Gianluca Fracasso, MSc Tourism Management and Marketing, 2011 I started working while I was still at university, which was a great choice. I used Google to identify advertising companies I wanted to work for, and approached them directly to enquire about opportunities, even if none were advertised. At one point I even kept an …

What I Learned on My Summer Placement

by Grace Pownall, student blogger During my second year, I spent a lot of time diligently hunting for a summer placement. I sent out several applications and went to two interviews, documenting my experience for the Careers and Employability Service. My hard work eventually paid off, and I found a role perfectly suited to me at …

Naturejobs Expo London: What Is It and How to Make the Most of Your Day

by Clare Jones, Senior Careers Adviser to Research Staff and PhD Students For the last three years I’ve been one of the team of CV checkers at the London Naturejobs Expo and have experienced first hand this busy recruitment and careers event targeted at PhD and postdoctoral scientists – although masters and undergraduate students are also …

What Skills Do You Need to Succeed in Accounting?

Wondering whether you’re a good fit for accounting? Whether you’re studying accountancy now or it’s something you end up picking up later in life, you will always be apply the skills and experience you gain at university. If you’re not sure you have what it takes or if you’ll enjoy it, read on. Here at The Accountancy Partnership, we …