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Internships: Search, Apply, Interview, Success!

By Leonie Farrar, religion, philosophy, and ethics student blogger Over the last eight weeks I have gone through the process of finding, applying, interviewing, and securing a summer internship. Read on for my step-by-step experience: Search In April I was nearing the end of my degree and wanted to start preparing my next step. This …

How Not to Be the Perfect Intern – Part Two

By Anna White, Placement Projects Officer An internship can be a positive experience where you get a foot in the door to an exciting sector, meet people who inspire you and can finally say you’ve gained that crucial bit of work experience to progress you career, but it can also throw up challenges. In my …

My Virtual Internship Experience With Bright Network

By Anna McConachie, English student blogger   Something I’ve been told countless times on my career journey is the value of internships, placements and work experience. However, the uncertainty of the pandemic means finding and securing internships seems more daunting than ever. Luckily, the Bright Network offers a range of online internship experiences to help …

My Placement as a Website Content Creator

By Saffron Dusanjh, School of Economics The faculty’s one day a week placement programme stood out to me as an excellent opportunity to gain skills in organising my time and balancing responsibilities alongside my studies. In addition, I thought it would be a useful chance to become more comfortable with interview processes. The application I …

My Internship With the Civil Service (Part 2)

By Benedict Watson, student blogger Part one of this blog detailed the run-up and first two weeks of my summer internship with the Civil Service. Find out how my internship has progressed and what I have learned since…  What I’ve been doing Having presented my findings on the sheep meat market to my team, I …

My Internship With the Civil Service (Part 1)

By, Benedict Watson – Student Having passed through strenuous online tests and a telephone interview, I was delighted to find out in March that I had been accepted onto the Civil Service Summer Diversity Internship Programme (SDIP)! The Civil Service has been an area of interest for me for a while now, so I was …

Hospital Placement: The Ultimate Run Down

By Katy Skillen, third-year MNutr Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Student I have just completed my first month of placement in an NHS hospital. If you study a healthcare degree, like medicine or nursing, you will likely have some placement within the NHS. This is an exciting and enlightening experience, and you gain so much …

Virtual Placement: Here’s What I’ve Learned

By Katy Skillen, third-year Master of Nutrition and Dietetics student  As part of my degree, I’ve just completed three weeks of a virtual placement, before starting in-person at a hospital this week. I wasn’t sure what to expect from a virtual placement, but it was actually a really interesting learning experience! So, here are some …

The University-Affiliated Projects That Can Build Your CV (Part 1)

Benedict Watson – Student Blogger With internships and work experience programmes hard to come by at the moment, many students aren’t aware of the great opportunities that the University exclusively offers, which can give you real-world experience that will look great on your CV. Below are just some of the many opportunities that you can …

How To Approach a Virtual Spring Week

Benedict Watson – Student Blogger With Coronavirus restrictions likely to continue for some time, it seems inevitable that spring weeks will be operated virtually this year. This will of course be disappointing for participants because it will not be as immersive an experience as working in an office or meeting in person. However, if you …