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KTP Associate Q&A spotlight

By Weiyao Meng, KTP Associate Tell us a bit about you I am from China and have been in the UK for nearly ten years, studying and working. With a PhD in Computer Science, my research interests include automated algorithm design, combinatorial optimisation, and machine learning for data-driven decision-making in critical sustainability challenges. I have …

KTP Associate Q&A spotlight

By Agustin Forchetti Casarino, KTP Associate A Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) offers you the opportunity to apply your academic knowledge to real world challenges. KTPs are a three-way partnership between an organisation, a university and a graduate or postgraduate (known as a KTP Associate). Projects are varied, spanning all academic disciplines and organisations of any …

Challenging perceptions that a PhD is not real work

By Rebecca Bull, final year PhD student in the School of Sociology and Social Policy studying post-sentence discrimination faced by people with criminal records. When are you going to get a real job? Are you going to be a student for life? Is it nice not having to worry about working? These are all accusations …

Knowledge Transfer Partnership associate spotlight

By Victoria Howard, Browne Jacobson A Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) offers you the opportunity to apply your academic knowledge to real world challenges. KTPs are a three-way partnership between an organisation, a university and a graduate or postgraduate (known as a KTP associate). Projects are varied, spanning all academic disciplines and organisations of any size …

My Knowledge Transfer journey

By Jordan Fischer, human factors graduate at Cadent Over the past year, I have had the incredible opportunity to work within the gas distribution industry through a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP). This position focuses on embedding knowledge and new capabilities related to human factors and ergonomics to help manage and reduce the risk of fatigue …

Studying for a PhD – challenges and opportunities

Maya Sharma, PhD Psychology Image by Džoko Stach from Pixabay Hello! My name is Maya and I have an undergraduate psychology degree, and I am currently completing my first year of a Doctorate in Forensic Psychology. I want to share my experience of choosing to study a PhD and what it’s been like so far. Upon completing my …

Discovering a love for research

By Rebecca Hall, PhD Socio-Legal Studies Since being a young teenager, I knew I wanted to go to law school, with the ambition of one day going into legal practice – the idea of taking on a PhD never crossed my mind. Despite receiving a place on a LPC course (now the SQE – the …

Building confidence in presenting

By Chloe O’Dowd, Philosophy PhD student. PhD students must give talks. It is part and parcel of doing the doctoral degree that at some point you will have to present your work in front of other people. This could be in a more casual setting like a seminar, or it could be in the more …

From the lab bench to the back bench – moving from academia to the Civil Service

by Matthew Padgett, graduate I am a PhD graduate in neuroscience from UoN conducting research in the lab of Dr Tracy Farr studying vascular dementia. My PhD was an incredible learning experience and an opportunity to conduct interesting and innovative scientific research with renowned scientists. However, near the end of my PhD studies, I made …

To academia or not to academia?

By Chloe O’Dowd, philosophy PhD student. Image by Nikolay Georgiev from Pixabay As a third-year PhD student, life post-degree is looming closer. This means that I have to start thinking about whether I would like a career in academia and what I would need to do in order to be successful. In this blog, I talk about what …