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The Change in Legal Services and What’s Needed When Applying to Law Firms

By Modupe Allen, second year law student What do the websites of Gunnercooke and Mishcon de Reya reveal to potential lawyers of the future about the change in legal services and what’s needed when applying to law firms? The above question was posed by Craig Sharpe from Axiom DWFM who recently came to Nottingham to …

Career Thinking for Science Graduates

By Sally Hall, Faculty Careers and Employability Consultant With a science degree, you can use your technical and transferable skills across many sectors, roles, and sizes of organisation.  In this blog post, we’re drawing your attention to options with smaller companies and careers that make a difference. Plus, how to develop insights, make connections, and …

A Snapshot of the Labour Market for Science Graduates

By Sally Hall, Faculty Careers and Employability Consultant The data is positive! According to the Luminate ‘What do Graduates Do’ report published in January, the UK remains a global leader in scientific research, with the government expressing its commitment to investing in research and innovation over the next five years. Priorities include the achievement of …

Key Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing a Career

By Leonie Farrar, religion, philosophy and ethics student blogger Do you know what you want to do after university? At the start of my degree, I had no idea what future career I wanted. However, I took some time to think about the following key questions which helped me to narrow down my career options. …

Spotlight On Publishing – What I Learnt

By Anna McConachie, English student blogger Publishing is a growing industry. Last year UK consumer book sales climbed 7% to £2.1bn according to a BBC News article. If you’re an English or humanities student like me, I’m sure you’ve considered it as a career. Here’s what I learnt from a recent publishing event hosted by …

Still Waiting for Your Career ‘Lightbulb Moment’?

By Jo Workman, Senior Careers Adviser Are you waiting for a flash of inspiration, or a ‘Eureka!’ moment when the perfect career idea appears in front of you?   You might be hoping that as you go through your course it will all become clear what you want to do. You’ll have your lightbulb moment and …

Career Exploration: How I Figured Out What To Do After University

By Agnes Sokolowska, mathematics student blogger Like many people, I came to university with a very vague idea of my career plans. In fact, the further I got into my degree, I became even less sure of what I wanted to do. For my first blog post, I want to share how I figured out …

An Exploration of the Virtual Reality Industry

By Bethany Read, English student As someone who is by no means set on a future career path, I am always interested in exploring new and exciting options. So when I saw that the Careers and Employability Service was offering a Spotlight On event about creative careers in media and virtual reality (VR), I was …

Profiling for Success: Your Online Reflection Tool

By Charlene Binding, Employability Education Projects Officer How easy is it for you to describe your learning style, figure out your personality type or pinpoint the things that matter to you most about your career? If you’re feeling a bit stuck about career areas that appeal to you, or aren’t sure how to articulate these …

Careers in the Lab: Alumni Insight

By Gemma Foxall, Employability Education Projects Officer As part of our Spotlight On series of events, we held an informative session all about lab-based careers. Amy (MSci Human Genetics), Group Leader at Charles River Laboratories, Jaimee (BSc Biology), Brain Bank Technician at King’s College London, and Liam (BSc Microbiology), Lab Manager at NHS Test and …