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Postgraduate Study? – Four Ws to Consider

By Suzanne Mcgregor, Faculty of Arts Careers Consultant If you are approaching the end of your current course, you may be thinking about embarking on more study. Here are the Ws you should consider: 1. What? Your choices are huge, but tend to fall into broad categories: More of your current subject If you have …

Reflecting on My Time at University: What I Learnt

By Anna McConachie, English student blogger With my third year coming to an end, I’ve been thinking over my time at university and how it has contributed to my personal career journey. With so much to get involved in, I thought I’d share how I made the most of my time at Nottingham so you …

Looking for a Creative Career?

By Leonie Farrar, religion, philosophy, and ethics student blogger Do you have a skill and interest in being creative? I know many people, including myself, love to be creative and would love to use this skill and passion in their future career. While looking into careers over the last few years, I’ve realised more creative …

I Want a Creative Career…but What Are My Chances?

By Cathy Sibley, Employability Education Projects Officer People often use the words, ‘creative’, ‘cultural’ and ‘arts’ interchangeably when talking about jobs or industries. These terms can cover working in TV and film, theatre, publishing, marketing, journalism, gaming, and much, much more. This blog will help you to think about what it is you mean by …

Time to Get Proactive: Tips on How to Make the Most Out of Your Work Experience

By Indy Bamra, Employability Officer Work experience is a wonderful thing to highlight on your CV, but it is also an opportunity for you to prepare for what the world of work is like and for your future career. If you will be doing an internship, work experience or plan to gain some work experience …

Turning My Dream of Becoming a Barrister Into Reality

By Noxy Sibanda, fourth year Law with Chinese Law student and an Inner Temple Exhibition Award Scholar About me The path to becoming a barrister is difficult and often inflated by the financial burden of paying for the Bar course which many people, like myself, cannot afford. I have always been determined to expand my …

Looking for Work Now You Have Graduated?

By Peter Kay, Senior Careers Adviser At the time of writing, May 2022, it is safe to say that there are a lot of jobs being advertised for graduates. What you have to do is become a skilled job hunter. To do that there are a few simple rules to follow and questions to ask …

Thinking of Starting a Business? Discover the Ingenuity Lab

By Josef Bone, Marketing and Digital Officer We know that a degree from the University of Nottingham opens up a whole host of career options, with our graduates going on to succeed in roles across a range of sectors. But did you know that last year, we were second in the UK for graduate start-ups, …

How to Choose the Right Law Firm For You

By Tom Robinson, qualified lawyer and co-founder of Next City Lawyer It’s hard to meaningfully distinguish between large commercial law firms as a student. But by the time you apply for vacation schemes, law firms expect you to know the type of firm that you want to work for – even though you have not …

Exploring Careers in Sustainability

By Sarah Ainger, Senior Careers Adviser An increase in public awareness of environmental challenges has led to organisations investing in sustainable working practices. As a consequence, job opportunities in this area have also been growing. But how can you start to build a career in sustainability? Here we look at four ways to explore careers …