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A Spotlight on Tutoring

By Katy Skillen, third-year Master of Nutrition and Dietetics student Throughout the past year, I have worked as a part-time GCSE and A-Level tutor through an online tutoring site. While the thought of another ‘from your bedroom’ activity might seem like a curse, I have actually found it perfect for me! I believe that online …

How To Approach a Difficult Decision at Work or in Your Career

By Gemma Foxall, Employability Officer We make hundreds of decisions every day, some are easier than others. Decisions about what to eat for lunch, or whether we need to wear a raincoat today might be straightforward enough. But making decisions about your career, which roles to apply for, or which area of specialism to focus …

4 Ways To Boost Your Employability Using Lab Skills

By Peter Kay, Senior Careers Adviser The last 16 months have been challenging for many reasons, not least the lack of laboratory time as part of your course. Looking for a job or PhD degree that requires a level of laboratory skills makes applying for an opportunity even more challenging. Or does it? So what …

I Want To Work for an NGO… but How Do I Make It Happen?

By Rowena Harris, Student Blogger Feeling at a crossroads regarding what you want to do in the future? You are not alone. As I am sure many other students do too. I have a vague idea about what I want to do in the future. But it kind of stops there… So, the question is, …

What’s Happening in the Current Job Market?

By Paul Charman, Deputy Director, Careers team Earlier this year I wrote about the 2021 job market giving context to the headlines at the time and the steps that you can put in place to navigate your job search. Over the last month or so we have seen employer updates and increased opportunities listed with …

A Glance at the Science Labour Market

By Cyrielle Mevel, Employability Education Projects Officer The unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 impacted the graduate job market. However, according to the latest Institute of Student Employers (ISE) student survey, the number of graduate vacancies is on the rise again, which is comforting news! Whether you are looking for a lab-based career or a career …

How I Applied to IAPT Training

By, Kat Wheatley, BSc Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience graduate (2020) IAPT… PWP… What does it all mean?! Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) is an NHS initiative that helps people with common mental health difficulties access talking therapies. If you’re planning to start a career in IAPT, chances are you will be applying for a …

Getting To Know Your Chosen Industry

By Rosie Pinder, BA English second year Qualifications and having the right experience are perhaps the most obvious things that come to mind when thinking about interviews and job applications. However, another significant factor when pitching yourself is to know the industry. This knowledge is crucial as it ensures that you seem both interested and …

Thinking About Postgraduate Study?

By Suzanne Mcgregor, Faculty of Arts Careers and Employability Consultant As you approach the end of your current course, you may be thinking about embarking on more study. This is a popular option and our careers team spends a lot of time with students discussing what, why, where, when, and how. What? Your choices are …

4 Things To Do Today To Give Yourself an Edge in a Challenging Labour Market

By Chris Birchall, Employability Education Projects Officer There’s been a lot of talk about the state of the UK labour market and the challenges many people face when starting or changing careers in unusual circumstances. However, you can do several things to gain an insight into what opportunities are out there and where they can …