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Expert insight into working in PR

By Dana Corson, Account Director, Proactive International PR PR professionals are known to be the masters of brand disasters, ensuring that their clients survive scandal. Since the rise of social media, public opinion has been more high-profile than ever before, with customer responses often making the news. PR works to ensure that, that opinion is …

How I Got a Career Using My Pure Maths PhD, Outside of Academia

David Sim, Research and Development Engineer at Transversal Most people believe a career in mathematics will be confined to the four walls of a classroom or lecture hall and in most instances it probably is. What’s interesting though is that it doesn’t have to be! It wasn’t until I completed a PhD in pure maths …

Funding for postgraduate study doesn’t happen by magic

By Marta Vizcaya Echano, International e-Information Officer Are you thinking about doing a masters or a PhD starting autumn 2014? While you’re researching your options don’t forget to consider your funding options at the same time, in order to make sure your tuition fees, living costs and other expenses are paid for. Funding schemes are …

Your questions about legal careers, answered

By Sam Longe-Thomas, Events and Vacancies Team Leader and Peter Kay, Senior Careers Adviser Considering a career in law? At our Law Speed Networking event on Tuesday 12 November, you will have the chance to talk to staff from top law firms and a law school.  All are welcome! What is speed networking? You have …

Finding your future at a careers fair

Shelley Ashenden, Employability Education Projects Officer (Faculty of Engineering) During the application process it is easy to feel like your life is under a microscope and you are waiting to hear if you are ‘worthy’. But a recruitment fair is your chance to see employers as prospective candidates competing to be worthy of being part of your …

Applying to be a teacher? Advice and changes for 2014

By Suzanne McGregor, Faculty of Arts Careers and Employability Consultant Whatever year you are in or subject you are studying, teaching may have occurred to you as a career choice. We can all remember our most inspiring teacher, and the opportunity to ‘make a difference’ is often a key motivation for aspiring teachers. Which age …

The 3 Ds of a quality application for career-focused eMentoring

By Adam Shooter, Postgraduation and Statistics Coordinator (Alumni volunteering & eMentoring) The eMentoring scheme puts you in contact with alumni currently working in industries or positions that you may be considering as a future career. It is a unique opportunity to gain an insight into the inner workings of an industry that you might not …

Hello international students!

By Marta Vizcaya Echano, International e-Information Officer These first weeks are bound to be both exciting and intense as you meet tutors and fellow students while immersing yourself in a new place and culture. There probably won’t be much spare time to think about your future, but the earlier you focus on your career interests the …

What Do Recruiters Look for in Your Application?

By Pablo Costa, Careers Adviser (Faculty of Engineering) When I was graduate recruitment adviser, most Mondays involved me peering over a mountain of CVs trying to find one that stood out and matched an employer’s requirements. Tuesdays would see me creating a candidate shortlist and by Wednesday I would be on the phone arranging interviews, …

Be inspired by alumni

By Adam Shooter, Postgraduation and Statistics Coordinator (Alumni volunteering, eMentoring) Mentoring is a common practice in the workplace, with new staff often being mentored by more experienced staff members. Having someone with experience and knowledge to turn to for advice is an invaluable for personal development in all walks of life. We have a careers-focused …