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Beginning to See a Different Path

By Emmie Studencki, Events and Vacancies Coordinator I graduated four years ago from Malmo University thinking I was going to work in project management within the publishing sector. I had my mind set on this for over five years, but it was not until I started looking for those types of roles that I realised …

Five top tips for making the most of your summer (from the comfort of your own home)

By Joanne Gregory, Employability Officer  With a headline like this, no-one is denying you should be spending some time enjoying the (somewhat unpredictable) sunshine, but there’s a few other ways you can fill your time over the summer months which should make your CV shine too! Learn to code It’s not just the tech savvy …

What Is a Personal Brand? (And How Can You Get One…?)

By Daniella Dutton, Employability Officer What do people think of you when you walk into the room? Laura Howlett from ICAP hosted a session in the Business School exploring how you can build your personal brand and ensure future employers know who they are buying into. It is important to remember that what you think of yourself …

10 facts about the world of consumer packaged goods

By Daniella Dutton, Employability Officer Are you unsure what career you want to pursue after university? Have you ever considered entering the world of consumer packaged goods (CPG)? Today, Daniella aims to shed some light on this multi-million pound sector by sharing ten interesting facts you may not know. What are CPGs? Also known as …

How to nail your first day at work: seven top tips

By Laura Estrop, Social Media Officer  You did it! After writing an incredible CV and covering letter, you aced the interview and got the job, congratulations! But now you’ve finished celebrating and reality has sunk in; you start your brand new job bright and early on Monday morning. Before you start to panic, follow our …

LinkedIn Guide to Starting Your Career After Graduation

By Darain Faraz, spokesperson for LinkedIn If you have graduated this summer but haven’t got a job lined up yet, don’t worry. LinkedIn’s Darain Faraz shares his top tips for building your network and sussing out your first career move. Get visible It’s completely normal to find yourself surfing the net when you’re supposed to …

Youth programmes: an invaluable experience

By Mary Strickson, student blogger I’ve been involved with various youth programmes and projects over the last year. The reason I started looking for voluntary roles was because I wanted to do something constructive with my spare time. Little did I know that these experiences would provide me with so much more than just something to …

Spotlight On… International Development

By Daniella Dutton, Employability Officer  As part of our events programme, we held a Question and Answer panel sessions with speakers representing a variety of international development areas. They answered a wide and diverse range of questions during the session, which we have summarised below. So if you are keen to work in international development, …

Getting Into Law Without a Law Degree

By Priya Thakar, student blogger Back in March, I attended the ‘Spotlight On: Law for Non-Law’ event, organised by Careers. The event was very popular and it was interesting to me that there were students from a wide variety of subjects with a keen interest in the law profession. Courses varied from mechanical engineering to …

How I Discovered New Career Opportunities

By Mary Strickson, student blogger Last week I attended the Graduate Jobs Fair organised by The Careers and Employability Service. I wasn’t sure what to expect, for example, I didn’t think there would be many arts-based opportunities on offer. However at the fair, I discovered that my degree opens opportunities in many career paths and sectors, which …