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Searching for Jobs Beyond Academia?

By Clare Jones, Senior Careers Adviser PhD researchers often begin a careers discussion with me by asking questions about where they should start looking for jobs. They may then add that they are uncertain about what career paths are open to them other than academia.  This second statement is crucial, as it’s difficult to effectively job search without having …

What to Love About SMEs?

By Kathryn Moss, Employability Officer Love is in the air, so we wanted to share our top 5 reasons to love small to medium-sized businesses! A small to medium-sized business is any business that employs fewer than 250 people and has an annual turnover of less than £50 million. According to a report by FSB …

Why do a PhD?

Kirstin Barnard, Senior Careers Adviser Making a commitment to undertaking a PhD is a big career decision. The more time you take to explore what it involves and what you have to offer; the more likely you are to make an informed, realistic decision. Here are some questions to ask yourself when making this decision. 1. …

How a Rapid Change in Technology Increases New Opportunities for Graduates

By Chris Jones, Senior Careers Advisor for Faculties of Science and Engineering Monday, 29 October 2019 saw over 40 varied companies descend on the East Midlands Conference Centre to meet our brilliant students and to promote their opportunities within science and technology.  Members of the Careers team were also there on the day speaking to employers …

Rejected After an Interview? How to Recover in Seven Steps

By Abigail Rowse, Employability Officer Have you been rejected recently after an interview for a job, placement, course or another opportunity? I know first-hand how disappointing and dejecting it can be. Read on for tips on how to move on in a positive and productive way. 1. It’s okay not to be okay Before you do anything else, …

It’s Okay If You Don’t Know What You Want to Do

By Daniel Taylor; fifth year, MEng Mechanical Engineering Student Everyone always seems to have a plan. When it looks like the people around you have their lives planned out, the future can certainly appear daunting. It’s only now, in the fifth year of my degree, after a lot of help from the Careers team, that …

Started Your First Graduate Job? Stop! (Reflect) Carry On…

By Hannah Woolley, Education Hands up if the last few months have felt a little bit like a rollercoaster? You crammed for your finals, applied for graduate jobs, got your results, celebrated your graduation, and successfully navigated your first few months in employment. Perhaps it’s time to take a minute to just breathe? And if you …

Your Three-Step Guide to a Successful Interview  

By Jackie Thompson, Information and Communication Manager Ask anyone about attending a job interview and most people will say they dread them. It’s the unknown – what will they ask me?  Online you will find hundreds of potential questions that an employer might ask. Some will be generic and others will be role specific. It can be overwhelming.  To make it …

The Interview: 24 Hours to Go

By Abigail Rowse, Employability Officer So, you’ve got an interview tomorrow. Perhaps you’ve just found out about it, maybe you’ve been preparing for weeks or you’ve accidentally left it until the last minute. Either way, read on to find out how what to do when you’ve only got 24 hours until your interview. Before you …

Three Ways A Placement Year Can Help Your Career

By Kathryn Moss, Employability Office A placement year or a year in industry is often a full academic year, taken after your penultimate year at university. It’s a great opportunity to get work experience, either related to your degree or career aspirations.  So why should you consider an extra year? 1. You’ll benefit academically A …