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Thinking About Postgraduate Study?

By Suzanne Mcgregor, Faculty of Arts Careers and Employability Consultant As you approach the end of your current course, you may be thinking about embarking on more study. This is a popular option and our careers team spends a lot of time with students discussing what, why, where, when, and how. What? Your choices are …

Preparing for Virtual Interviews

By Anna Scrivener, Employability Education Projects Officer The pandemic made virtual interviews essential, but now that employers and candidates have seen the benefits it looks like they are here to stay. So, what can you do to best prepare? Before the interview Many students worry that there is a secret to virtual interviews that they …

4 Things To Do Today To Give Yourself an Edge in a Challenging Labour Market

By Chris Birchall, Employability Education Projects Officer There’s been a lot of talk about the state of the UK labour market and the challenges many people face when starting or changing careers in unusual circumstances. However, you can do several things to gain an insight into what opportunities are out there and where they can …

3 Unique Ways To Find a Job in the Life Sciences Industry

By Shelley Ashenden, Senior Careers Adviser It is believed that the pandemic has had a severe impact on many areas of the economy. While true in some cases, some industries have only seen marginal losses and others have grown their turnover in the last year.   These resilient industries include healthcare and life sciences-related sectors. According to the Office for …

Dissertations and Projects That Influence Your Career Part 2: Interviews

By Katy Skillen, third-year MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics student I’ve recently been given my title for my dissertation next year and I’m very excited about it! Dissertations or final year projects take up a lot of time and it becomes a huge part of your final year at university. So, it’s natural that you’ll want …

Entering a Career or Sector Hard Hit by Covid-19

By Sarah Ainger, Senior Careers Advisor You might know what job you want after graduating but it could be in one of the sectors hard hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. But that doesn’t mean that you should give up on your dream career! Here are four things you can do to secure your first role: …

How To Deal With Perfectionism When Exploring Careers and Making Applications

The Career Wellbeing blog series. We know that thinking about your career, applying for jobs, and moving into the workplace can be exciting, but we also know that sometimes it can present challenges and might be a source of stress or anxiety. That’s why, in this blog series, we will explore some of the things …

Careers in the Engineering Sector: What To Expect in 2021

By Chloe Davies, Employability Officer Both 2020 and 2021 are proving to be tough years for employers, students, and graduates alike. But as we anticipate the end of lockdown in the UK, what will the 2021 recruitment landscape be like if you’re looking for employment in the engineering sector? At this year’s Institute of Student …

Dissertations/Projects That Influence Your Career Part 1: CV

By Katy Skillen, third-year MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics Student It is always really useful to outline your skill set on a CV so that employers can immediately see what a fantastic candidate you are! Also, if you have done a dissertation, then you are bound to have obtained a lot of useful and relevant skills …

Starting a New Job Remotely: How To Prepare

By Stacey McIntosh, Editor-in-Chief of Sage Advice UK.   Starting a new role is daunting at the best of times, especially if it’s your first job. But as you’ll be working remotely now and most likely for the foreseeable, you’ll probably want to know what to expect and how you can prepare.  Before your first week  In …