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LinkedIn Advice

By, Aashna Khan, Second-year MSci Biotechnology As a second-year student, a key part of my efforts to improve my employment prospects is to build my professional network through LinkedIn. While this was daunting at first, I’ve found the following steps have been beneficial and I now actually enjoy reaching out to and meeting new people. …

How To Manage Mental Health Challenges in the Workplace

By Christian Jameson-Warren, Employability Education Projects Officer If you’ve experienced a long-term mental health challenge, you may worry about talking to a prospective employer about it. Some people worry about saying the wrong thing or if they’ll be viewed less favourably than other candidates. In reality, sharing any information is entirely up to you. I’d …

8 Productivity Hacks To Ace Working From Home

By, Catherine Sibley – Employability Education Projects Officer Whether you’re studying remotely or about to begin remote working you may be feeling a bit worried about how you’ll approach this new way of working. Or maybe you’re worried about how productive you’ll be with studying or working remotely. You should try some of our tips in …

The University-Affiliated Projects That Can Build Your CV (Part 2)

By Benedict Watson – Student Blogger In part one of this blog post, I drew attention to some of the great University-affiliated schemes which provide you with work experience and opportunities for skill development. These schemes were: • Nottingham Internship Scheme • Course Rep • Summer School Ambassador • Society Committee In part two of …

Tips for Working From Home

By Jennifer Balloch, Employability Officer Working from home has become the norm for the majority of office workers over the past year, and for many companies a blended or flexible approach to home working is likely to continue in the future. There are many things to think about when either transitioning to working from home …

The New Graduate Immigration Route. What Does This Mean for Me?

By Sarah Allen, Senior Careers Adviser. For international students thinking about staying in the UK after graduation, the new Graduate Immigration Route offers an exciting opportunity. From July 1 2021, international students who successfully complete a Bachelors or Masters level qualification, and have a valid tier 4 / student visa, will be eligible to apply …

A Spotlight on Tutoring

By Katy Skillen, third-year Master of Nutrition and Dietetics student Throughout the past year, I have worked as a part-time GCSE and A-Level tutor through an online tutoring site. While the thought of another ‘from your bedroom’ activity might seem like a curse, I have actually found it perfect for me! I believe that online …

How I Found a Science Job During the Covid-19 Pandemic

By Mica Cunningham, University of Nottingham BSc Biotechnology graduate. Graduating from University can be a daunting experience – especially during a pandemic! Having a lack of previous work experience, I initially felt I had no idea what I was supposed to do next or even how to start – what should I put on my …

Graduate Schemes With a Difference

By Lucie Whitfield – Senior Careers Adviser When looking for roles, students are often drawn to the graduate scheme route or summer internships. Usually, these offer a chance at ‘taster’ placements in different parts of the organisation alongside some support with a group of colleagues who are entering the workplace at the same time. Are …

How To Approach a Difficult Decision at Work or in Your Career

By Gemma Foxall, Employability Officer We make hundreds of decisions every day, some are easier than others. Decisions about what to eat for lunch, or whether we need to wear a raincoat today might be straightforward enough. But making decisions about your career, which roles to apply for, or which area of specialism to focus …