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The rise of the video interview

By Joe Ward, Website Officer Offering a fast, cheap and efficient way of interviewing candidates, video interviews are steadily becoming a more popular way for employers and recruiting managers to conduct their interviews.  While interactive interviews through programs such as Skype, FaceTime or Google Hangouts have been popular for some time, the non-interactive video interview …

Q and A for Psychometric Tests

By Sarah Durke, Employability and Education Projects Officer If you’re looking for a graduate role this summer or an internship, it’s more than possible that you will come across psychometric tests as part of the recruitment and selection process. Here’s some helpful answers to questions we get asked about these tests. What are psychometric tests? …

Five reasons to attend a mock assessment centre workshop

By Bety Mehide, student blogger Some employers ask their applicants to attend an assessment centre to evaluate their skills as part of the recruitment and selection process. I participated in a mock one and found it very helpful so I figured I would share my thoughts on why you should attend one too. 1. Knowledge …

Group Exercises: What Do Employers Look For?

By Sarah Allen, Employability Education Projects Officer Graduate employers often use a group exercise during their assessment centre process.  These normally involve a group of four to eight applicants completing a task in a set amount of time.  You will have an assessor recording what you say and do throughout the task and this information …

Getting Into the Media

By Suzanne McGregor, Careers and Employability Consultant Do you want a career in broadcasting and programme making? Having attended a recent Royal Television Society conference with speakers from news channels, the BBC and independent production companies, I’ve put together 10 top tips for getting into the media. 1. It’s not where you start that matters …

My Placement with Sky

By Charlotte Lambert, student blogger The autumn term is generally a time for settling back into university life, but as a second-year student, this autumn involved dozens upon dozens of applications for work experience, internships and summer placements. For the most part these applications led to nothing which was more than a little disheartening, but …

Are you LinkedIn?

By Charlotte Lambert, student blogger These days everything seems to be making its way onto the internet and the CV is following suit. A single sheet of A4 paper, now a thing of the past. The only question remaining, ‘are you LinkedIn?’. When I first heard about this I was beguiled at the very concept. …

Graduating With a Masters – Time for Reflection?

By Jackie Thompson, E-Information Manager When your time to graduate arrives, it can be understandable if you have a “what now?” moment. Taking some time to reflect on your education can be a really helpful way to help you decide where to go next.  Moving into employment Employers are looking for creative and independent people with …

Hundreds and Thousands of Vacancies for You!

By Jackie Thompson, E-Information Manager There are lots of job sites out there listing graduate and internship vacancies and we often get asked, where to start? Here are 10 compelling reasons why you should begin your job search with My Career, our online vacancy service. Just log in and start to explore! 1. Employers want …

How to Make Your CV Stand Out

By Oyku Ataman, student blogger Hello everybody! I’d like to make a quick introduction before moving on to the actual content of the post: My name is Oyku (pronounced eh-yew-ku) but I’m mostly called Q by my friends. I study Chinese and International Relations; I’m in my third year of university, and soon to graduate. …