// Archives

Sun, sea, and internships: Interning in Valencia

By Steven Dhariwal, chemical engineering with a placement year student As a former intern at ProtoQSAR in Valencia, Spain, I am here to share my experience from last summer. If you’re interested in hearing about the highlights of my experience and the valuable lessons I learned, keep reading. To start off, I was an Intern …

My advice to international students thinking about their future career

By Jennifer Aduro, MA Digital Teaching and Learning graduate When I was coming to the end of my studies as a digital teaching and learning (DTL) master’s student in 2021, I honestly had no idea what job roles to apply to. I knew what I wanted to do in a broad sense; design learning experiences …

To academia or not to academia?

By Chloe O’Dowd, philosophy PhD student. Image by Nikolay Georgiev from Pixabay As a third-year PhD student, life post-degree is looming closer. This means that I have to start thinking about whether I would like a career in academia and what I would need to do in order to be successful. In this blog, I talk about what …

How to balance a PhD with paid work

by Chloe O’Dowd, philosophy postgraduate researcher Image: Image by Andrea from Pixabay In this blog, I talk about the various paid roles I have now, previous roles, and how I managed my time so that I maintain a good PhD and paid work balance. Catering assistant During my PhD, I have partaken in a lot of different paid …

Working as a camp counsellor in the USA

By Alisija Sestakova, natural sciences student Last summer I travelled to the USA to work in a summer camp with children from six years to 16 years of age. I worked at Camp Eagle Hill, through a Work Play USA agency. My role was a ropes/zipline specialist and general counsellor and later I got promoted …

Don’t rush the graduate job application process and talk to the Careers team

By Clarissa Martelli, MSc Computer Science graduate I’m Clarissa and after four years at Nottingham, I didn’t know what I wanted to do after graduation as the idea of going into the real world always scared me. Through my course I had the opportunity to learn about various branches of computer science, not only programming, …

My experience at an in-person assessment centre

Rania Monasch, geography student In January I applied for a graduate role at Verian Group, an independent research, evidence, and communications agency. I was lucky enough to be invited to their assessment centre in-person at their Westminster office, and I wanted to reflect on my experience. Although I wasn’t offered the graduate position, I was …

Money and skills hand in hand: my Unitemps journey

By Pooja Mooladka, nutritional sciences student Like most international master’s students, I arrived in September, hoping to pursue studies while covering living expenses with part-time jobs. Initially, I struggled to find work and spent months relentlessly applying for jobs without success, which led to constant worry about my depleting financial balance. The rejections piled up, …

It’s never too late to change your mind about your career

By Yca Tan, UoN graduate Growing up in a family of nurses, I always thought nursing was also in my path. Helping people in their most vulnerable moments was fulfilling. However, as I moved through my studies, I realised that nursing wasn’t the right fit for me. The emotional and physical demands, along with the …

Becoming a senior journalist for BBC News in Washington DC

By Iona Hampson, BA Ancient History and History and Senior Journalist, BBC News, Washington DC If someone had told me at university that I would end up working as a journalist for the BBC let alone in the United States, I would have probably said they had mistaken me for a far more competent and …