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How on earth can I get graduate level work experience during lockdown?

By Jill Bennett, Placements Projects and Systems Co-ordinator  Got more time on your hands and wondering how to use that time productively?  Keen to get some work experience and develop your employability skills?  If so, then take a look at our new Virtual Nottingham Consultancy Challenge.   What is the Virtual Nottingham Consultancy Challenge? We understand that during the COVID-19 …

Creative Pathways internships – applications now open

By Cathy Sibley, Employability Education Projects Officer  Are you a University of Nottingham graduate interested in a career in the arts?  Interning at a theatre, international centre for dance or at the Nottingham City of Literature, means you definitely won’t be bored. You could be involved with anything from using social media, organising events, supporting workshop delivery, to reading entries for literature competitions. Plus, you’ll meet some great people along the …

Why exam lessons can be career lessons

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Master of Nutrition and Dietetics, second-year student blogger For many of us, we are now bang in the middle of exam period. Yet, these exams are very different than what we expected. I never thought I would be sitting my second-year exams on my dining room table, with a cup of …

Exploring career options – time to think creatively?

By Jo Workman, Employability Education Projects Officer Knowing where to start when thinking about your future career can be tricky, and there are a number of models used by careers advisers to help you approach this. A widely used model is known as ‘DOTS’ which covers thinking about what opportunities are out there, developing your …

How to prepare for virtual assessment centres

By Christian Jameson-Warren, Employability Education Projects Officer As part of their response to the COVID-19 situation, many graduate employers have moved their recruitment activities more online, including assessment centres. Online (otherwise known as ‘virtual’) assessment centres involve completing a series of activities virtually where the employer will assess your performance against their criteria. These activities …

Publishing in Practice: Selecting an Agent

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger So, you’ve written a piece of work you’re interested in getting published. You may require a literary agent as very few large publishers contact authors directly. Choosing an agent to represent you and your work can be confusing and it is important to choose the right one. …

What we can do if every day is becoming a pyjama day

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Nutrition and Dietetics student blogger Our working environment has shifted drastically in the past few weeks. Most of us have had to switch from studying in the cosiness of our student rooms, or intensive environment of the libraries, to sharing a cluttered kitchen table with the rest of your family. No …

Publishing in Practice: Writing a Pitch

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger So, you’ve written a piece of work you want to show to the world. You’re interested in beginning the process of getting literary agents and publishers involved, but you need to write a pitch. This essential part of the publishing process can be tricky. You need to …

Five Local Publishers You Can Submit Work To

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger If you’re interested in a creative career, having relevant experience on your CV is vital. Nottingham is a City of Literature and therefore boasts many great publications accepting a variety of creative pieces. Here are five local publishers you can send your work to: The Tab Writing …

Alternative Ways to Find Postgraduate Funding

By Naomi Imms, Information Officer So, you’ve decided you want to do a masters or PhD? It’s an exciting prospect, whether you’re doing it to enhance your job prospects, kick-start an academic career, or for pure love of the subject. But have you worked out how to fund it? Perhaps you’re planning to get a …