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Working out what you want to do while in quarantine

By Annie Brown, MA Creative Writing student blogger Being stuck at home doesn’t mean you’re stuck altogether. Why not use this time to think about what job you’d like to do and what could help you get there? Whether you’re a current student looking to develop skills, a graduate starting out, or wanting a change …

How Do You Know a PhD Is Right for You?

By Jo Workman, Employability Education Projects Officer A PhD is a huge commitment, taking three or more years to complete, and resulting in the creation of new knowledge. But how do you know whether it will be the right move for you? We asked two psychology students to tell us how they progressed into their …

A perfect way for your CV to stand out

By Grace Whitaker, modern languages and translation student I think everyone who participates in the Nottingham Consultancy Challenge comes to it from a plethora of ways. My friend found out about it from an email and when she told me, I immediately jumped at the opportunity. I have been fortunate enough to be apart of the …

A unique and valuable challenge

by Cerys Welch, liberal arts student I applied for the Nottingham Consultancy Challenge (NCC) originally to earn credits towards the Nottingham Advantage Award. I expected tick-box exercises; lots of supervision; and minimal opportunities to be innovative and original. In reality, it felt like I was really working as a consultant and had control over what …

With no work experience, the Nottingham Consultancy Challenge was perfect for me

By Devashree Vaidya, work and organisational psychology student As an international student with no prior work experience, I started applying for jobs and realised the importance of work experience to strengthen my job applications. I was impressed with the multiple avenues that the University offers to enhance students’ CV and employability. Building my CV and giving back During …

Want to explore a career in consultancy?

By Joe Houghton, economics student I applied for the Nottingham Consultancy Challenge (NCC) as I’m interested in working in a consultancy in the future, so this was a great opportunity for me to explore consultancy further. I knew that the experience gained on the NCC would be useful to add to my CV and talk …

The NHS: my experience

By Katy Skillen, MNutr Dietetics and Nutrition, second year student blogger As lockdown is getting lifted, there is one aspect which I am actually going to miss. The weekly excitement of standing at our doorsteps on a Thursday night, waving at our neighbours and taking part in the ‘Clap for Carers’. It’s a time when …

Returning home as an international student and finding a job

By John Lim, social work graduate I thought it was going to be easy. Move back to Singapore, find a job, and start earning some money! How difficult could that be? Well, more difficult than I thought. Today, if you’re an international student who’s thinking about moving back home, I hope this blog post will provide help to …

How Can I Develop My Skills During COVID-19? Magpie Has the Answer

By Hayley Williams, Students’ Union Employability Development Manager We know that for many of you this will have been a frustrating time possibly missing out on opportunities to undertake placements, paid work or volunteering opportunities. For others, it might be the last summer before starting a new job and you might have been hoping to …

Identifying your strengths in preparation for your job search

By Hayley Williams, Students’ Union Employability Development Manager All of us have strengths and weaknesses, it’s what makes us unique and individual. When undertaking your job search it’s helpful to understand a bit more about your strengths to make sure you’re applying for roles that will suit you and encourage you to perform well. By …