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Lost in translation: what not to say in a UK covering letter

Thinking of looking for a job in the UK now you’ve graduated? Not only will you have to take into account visas and how many hours you can work (contact the International Office for more advice about this), you’ll also need to be aware of UK conventions when applying for jobs.  Things that may impress …

Your assessment centre crib sheet

Now you’ve passed the initial application stages, assessment centres can be a nerve-wrecking experience if you’re not sure what to expect. Our short guide to different exercise types will help demystify your assessment day, or days.  Ice breaker task What is it? Usually at the start of the day, there’ll be a short exercise to introduce …

Make a Great Connection: Tips for Skype and Telephone Interview Success

In a competitive and global job market, the amount of employers using telephone and Skype interviews in their recruitment processes is increasing.  They are used as an interview method to reach candidates who are applying from overseas and are a useful way to screen applicants before inviting them to a longer interview in person or …

Five Last-Minute Ways to Gain Work Experience

Sometimes it seems like everyone but you has got an impressive work placement lined up, whether it’s volunteering in a spectacular location or climbing Kilimanjaro.  Just because you haven’t got anything lined up for summer yet, it doesn’t mean that you’ve missed all the opportunities to get involved with projects and develop the skills employers …

From the lecture theatre to the stage: Tom’s arts administration experience

By Tom Barnes, BA English Studies and Latin (2012), MA International Security and Terrorism (2013),  Arts Administration Intern at Lakeside Arts Centre  Discovering the opportunity Last February, I was given the opportunity to begin an arts administration internship at Lakeside Arts Centre. Like many graduates, I wasn’t sure what career path I wanted to take. …

Claudia kick-starts her career in the marketing world at Lakeside!

By Claudia Ferlisi, BA English Studies (2012), MA Art History (2013), Arts Marketing Intern at Lakeside Arts Centre My arts marketing internship has been my first real opportunity to progress my career since leaving The University of Nottingham. It’s great that the university is still supporting me on the next step of my journey and that I’m …

How to Make the Most out of Your Internship

Are you looking forward to undertaking an internship or work experience this summer? Don’t sleepwalk your way through this valuable period of time with our six ways to make the most out of your experience.  Keep a record How many times have you come to write a CV or covering letter and found yourself staring at …

Counselling Fact vs Fiction

By Diane Pikett, Careers Diagnostic Officer, Careers and Employability Service Being skilled in the art of listening, empathetic and having unconditional positive regard for a client are essential characteristics of a good counsellor. However, due to factors such as the depiction of this occupation in pop culture, there are many misunderstandings about what counsellors are, …

Finalist Careers Clinic Part 4

By Andy Smith, Careers Consultant I’ve just got my results back and I’ve got a 2:2, should I start worrying about my career prospects? A 2:2 is not always a bad result, after all what wouldn’t England have given for a 2:2 against Italy, or Uruguay, for that matter! You may have a got a …

A-Z of Online Job Applications: Part 2

Looking to stand out in your online applications? Read our quick tips before settling down at the keyboard to discover the dos, don’ts and definitely don’ts of online applications.  Myths such as ‘you will be selected or rejected by a computer’ surround online applications – don’t believe them. Computers can only be used for screening candidates based on factors such …