EEAC conference on ‘Managing ecosystems for people, nature and economy’, Bangor Oct 2013

Overview This conference was part of a series of network events delivered by the European Environment Sustainable Development Advisory Council (EEAC) with government representatives from 16 European countries. Each year the council supports a conference on a specific topic deemed high priority. This year the aim was to identify and understand better the evaluation tools …

Decision Making under Uncertainty workshop, Washington DC; a report by Lan Hoang

In November 2013, Lan Hoang, Cambridge University Centre for Sustainable Development, attended and gave a talk at the Decision Making under Uncertainty workshop, organised by the World Bank. This workshop aimed to build a community of practice and involved various experts to characterise and identify methodologies on decision making under uncertainty. During the first day …

Decision Making Under Uncertainty; the LWEC approach

Decision-making under uncertainty; reporting back from LWEC Uncertainty conference (Emily Lawson). Several of the Blue-Green Cities team attended the Living With Environmental (LWEC) annual conference ‘Decision-making in the twilight of uncertainty’ on the 19th November in Birmingham. The conference aimed to “demonstrate different approaches to addressing uncertainty around decision-making and how we can make better use …

Dealing with the complex and ‘wicked’ problem of urban water management – initiating a Learning and Action Alliance (LAA) in Newcastle (part 1)

Breaking down barriers and fragmented thinking to encourage cooperation between a multitude of different stakeholders to build a shared vision. Part 1: defining a LAA and its relevance in the Blue-Green Cities Research Project (Emily Lawson). Urban water management is often referred to as a ‘wicked’ problem; ‘‘problems that have multiple and conflicting criteria for …

35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China

In September, Prof. Nigel Wright, Dr Scott Arthur and Deonie Allen of the Blue-Green Cities team attended the 35th IAHR conference held in Chengdu, China. Over 1500 specialists from around the globe presented on 8 key areas of water and riparian engineering and science. Dr Arthur presented the research he has recently supervised (undertaken within …

Piloting Bayesian Networks as a technique for the participatory modelling of flood risk in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire

Part I: Background to the project, and the first three workshops (by Shaun Maskrey) Traditionally, flood risk management in the UK has relied on the technical fix, an engineered solution parachuted in by certified experts who may or may not have local knowledge of the catchment.  This has led to a dominance of engineered grey …

Everyone is wondering the same thing…what is the key to integrated multidisciplinary research and modelling?

Deonie Allen, Heriot-Watt University. There is not yet an established, accepted, and proven method for integrated research and modelling, especially with regards to water sensitive urban design (WSUD), flood risk and urban drainage. However, there are numerous leading edge projects that are working to establish effective methods and processes.  The Blue-Green Cities project is on …

About the Blue-Green Cities team…Emily Lawson

The first couple of blog posts for Blue-Green Cities will give some insight into the members of the interdisciplinary consortium; their backgrounds, role in the Blue-Green Cities Research Project and what they have been working on at present. And I’m going to start. I’m Emily Lawson, and my role in the project is to coordinate …

Welcome to the new Blue-Green Cities blog!

This is the new blog site for the Blue-Green Cities Research Project…testing, testing, testing! In the past few weeks I (Emily Lawson, researcher at the University of Nottingham) have learn several new skills; how to create a website (using CMS Contensis), how to create a intranet page, and now, how to set up a blog. …