The Urban Water Detective – Where is the Water Flowing?
February 11, 2019
In this blog Stephen Birkinshaw (Newcastle University) discusses flood inundation and urban water modelling. As part of the Urban Flood Resilience project, I have been carrying out modelling using the CityCat urban flood model. The model produces space-time maps of flood depths and flow pathways. But it is important not to just model in isolation, …
Outputs from the Blue-Green Cities Research Project (Feb 2013-2016)
March 10, 2016
The Blue-Green Cities (EPSRC EP/K013661) research team have spent the last three years creating methodologies and frameworks, conducting field and lab work, testing novel techniques, and developing models to evaluate the multiple flood risk benefits of Blue-Green Cities. A Blue-Green City aims to recreate a naturally-oriented water cycle while contributing to the amenity of the …
My Research… Sangaralingam Ahilan
January 16, 2014
This first blog post by Sangaralingam Ahilan from the University of Leeds will give some insight into his academic background, his role in the Blue-Green Cities Research Project and what he has been working on recently. Ahilan has a civil engineering background and was awarded his primary degree from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, …
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