Reflections on the BRE Resilience Summit
March 26, 2018
In this blog, Jessica Lamond reports on an inspiring mix of Blue-Green, traditional and innovative ideas for resilience at the BRE resilience summit last month. Blue Green Landscaping Rebecca Taylor JTP Architects spoke on their home for all seasons (Figure 1) and about resilient development. She reflected on the large proportion of their portfolio that …
How are transport networks going to become more resilient to flood risk?
November 30, 2017
In this blog, Dr David Dawson examines flood risk on the physical transport network and some potential developments for improving urban flood risk by connecting multiple infrastructure systems. Plumber, ‘Sorry Transport Secretary, you have a leak!’ Transport Secretary, ‘Well, how bad is it?’ The Issue The extent of flood risk across our transport networks is …
Urban Flooding and Sponge Cities Workshop, 3-5 July 2017, China
July 26, 2017
In his blog, Sangaralingam Ahilan reports on the UK-China joint workshop on ‘Urban Flooding and Sponge Cities’ at the 2017 annual conference of the International Institute for Infrastructure Resilience and Reconstruction (IIIRR) held on 3-5th July 2017 at Shenzhen, China. The workshop was co-ordinated by University of Exeter, UK and Tsinghua University, China and funded …
National Flood Forum Annual Conference
April 3, 2014
Community Flood Risk Management : Improving effectiveness and efficiency On 13th March, Shaun Maskrey and Glyn Everett visited London to attend the National Flood Forum’s 2014 Annual Conference, entitled Community Flood Risk Management : Improving effectiveness and efficiency. This was a very interesting day, which began with talks from Dan Rogerson MP, Minister for Environment, Food …
A Blue-Green Approach to Flood Risk Management in Asia’s Mega-deltas?
February 19, 2014
Can we adapt the Blue-Green approach for flood risk management and make it a suitable alternative to traditional hard engineering for addressing some of the flooding issues in Asia’s urban mega-deltas? After hearing about the severe flooding that affected Ningbo (and surrounding areas in Zhejiang), China, in mid-October 2013, I have been reading up on some …
Dealing with the complex and ‘wicked’ problem of urban water management – initiating a Learning and Action Alliance (LAA) in Newcastle (part 1)
October 25, 2013
Breaking down barriers and fragmented thinking to encourage cooperation between a multitude of different stakeholders to build a shared vision. Part 1: defining a LAA and its relevance in the Blue-Green Cities Research Project (Emily Lawson). Urban water management is often referred to as a ‘wicked’ problem; ‘‘problems that have multiple and conflicting criteria for …
Piloting Bayesian Networks as a technique for the participatory modelling of flood risk in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire
September 20, 2013
Part I: Background to the project, and the first three workshops (by Shaun Maskrey) Traditionally, flood risk management in the UK has relied on the technical fix, an engineered solution parachuted in by certified experts who may or may not have local knowledge of the catchment. This has led to a dominance of engineered grey …
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